EEG v VicForests Court Documents





Report – Affidavit

Day 1 – 01.03.2010 Opening address for the Plaintiff (Environment East Gippsland) by Debbie Mortimer SC > Day 1 Page 2  
Day 2 AM – 02.03.2010 EEG opening address continues > Day 2 morning Page 67  
  Opening address for the Defendant (VicForests) by Ian Waller SC > Day 2 morning Page 111  
Day 2 PM – 02.03.2010 VicForests opening continues > Day 2 afternoon Page 129  
Day 3 – 03.03.2010 His Honour Justice Osborn attended Brown Mountain with the parties for a View > Day 3 Viewing Notes  
Day 4 Morning – 04.03.2010 Discussion between Mr Waller and His Honour > Day 4 morning Page 169  
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 EEG Evidence commences > Day 4 afternoon    
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 Jill Redwood, EEG Convenor – Examination in Chief > Day 4 afternoon Page 222 > Jill Redwood 28.8.2009
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 Jill Redwood, EEG Convenor – Cross-Examination > Day 4 afternoon Page 224 >Jill Redwood 17.11.2009
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 Jill Redwood, EEG Convenor – Re-Examination > Day 4 afternoon Page 255 >Jill Redwood 19.2. 2010
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 Andrew Lincoln re finding a Long-footed Potoroo at Brown Mountain – Examination in Chief > Day 4 afternoon Page 260 >Andrew Lincoln 24.8.2009
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 Andrew Lincoln re finding a Long-footed Potoroo at Brown Mountain – Cross-examination > Day 4 afternoon Page 266  
Day 4 Afternoon – 04.03.2010 Discussion > Day 4 afternoon Page 279  
Day 5 05.03.2010 Discussion > Day 5 Page 282  
Day 5 05.03.2010 Andrew Lincoln recalled – Further examination and cross-examination > Day 5 Page 287  
Day 5 05.03.2010 Graeme Gillespie expert evidence re Giant Burrowing Frog and Large Brown Tree-frog. Examination in Chief. > Day 5 Page 288 > G. Gillespie Frog Report December 2009
Day 5 05.03.2010 Graeme Gillespie expert evidence re Giant Burrowing Frog and Large Brown Tree-frog. Cross-examination. > Day 5 Page 304  
Day 5 05.03.2010 Graeme Gillespie expert evidence re Giant Burrowing Frog and Large Brown Tree-frog. Re-examination. > Day 5 Page 319  
Day 5 05.03.2010 Shelly McLaren re finding a second Long-footed Potoroo at Brown Mountain. Examination in Chief. > Day 5 Page 330 >Shelly McLaren 15.10.2009
Day 5 05.03.2010 Shelly McLaren re finding a second Long-footed Potoroo at Brown Mountain. Cross-examination. > Day 5 Page 334  
Day 5 05.03.2010 Shelly McLaren re finding a second Long-footed Potoroo at Brown Mountain. Re-examination. > Day 5 Page 348  
Day 6 09.03.2010 Discussion. > Day 6 Page 352  
Day 6 09.03.2010 Transcript corrections. > Day 6 Page 356  
Day 6 09.03.2010 Dr Andrew Smith expert evidence re arboreal mammals. Examination in Chief. > Day 6 Page 359 > Report Dr. A. Smith 27.01.2010
Day 6 09.03.2010 Dr Andrew Smith expert evidence re arboreal mammals. Cross-examination. > Day 6 Page 374  
Day 6 09.03.2010 Dr Andrew Smith expert evidence re arboreal mammals. Re-examination. > Day 6 Page 398  
Day 6 09.03.2010 Barbara Triggs, expert evidence re hair analysis of Long-footed Potoroo (not required to attend in person) > Day 6 Page 405 >Barbara E. Triggs 10.02.2010
Day 6 09.03.2010 Dr Charles Meredith, expert evidence re Potoroo, hollow-bearing trees, critical habitat assessment. Examination in Chief. > Day 6 Page 406 > Report on the Long-footed Potoroo by Dr Charles Meredith 01.02.2010
Day 6 09.03.2010 Dr Charles Meredith, expert evidence re Potoroo, hollow-bearing trees, critical habitat assessment. Cross-examination. > Day 6 Page 410 > Report on hollow-bearing trees by Dr Charles Meredith 1 February 2010
Day 7 10.03.2010 Dr Charles Meredith (continues)Re-examination. > Day 7 Page 494  
Day 7 10.03.2010 Dr Rohan Bilney, expert evidence re Powerful Owl and Sooty Owl, evidence re sighting Square-tailed Kite. Examination in Chief. > Day 7 Page 511 > Report on Sooty Owls and Powerful Owls Rohan Bilney December 2009
Day 7 10.03.2010 Dr Rohan Bilney, expert evidence re Powerful Owl and Sooty Owl, evidence re sighting Square-tailed Kite. Cross-examination. > Day 7 Page 516 > Report in reply Dr Rohan Bilney regarding Sooty Owl and Powerful Owl 14.02.2010
Day 7 10.03.2010 Dr Rohan Bilney, expert evidence re Powerful Owl and Sooty Owl, evidence re sighting Square-tailed Kite. Re-examination. > Day 7 Page 527  
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr David Scotts, expert evidence re potoroo identification. Examination in Chief. > Day 8 Page 541 > Affidavit of David J. Scotts 25.11.2009
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr David Scotts, expert evidence re potoroo identification. Cross-examination. > Day 8 Page 545  
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr Graeme Gillespie (Recalled)Cross-examination re Large Brown Tree-frog. > Day 8 Page 546  
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr Graeme Gillespie (Recalled)Re-examination. > Day 8 Page 566  
Day 8 11.03.2010 Rob McCormack, expert evidence re new species of crayfish found at Brown Mountain. Cross-examination. > Day 8 Page 572 > Aquatic Biological Survey Report by Robert B McCormack 7 December 2009
Day 8 11.03.2010 Rob McCormack, expert evidence re new species of crayfish found at Brown Mountain. Examination in Chief. > Day 8 Page 574  
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr Chris Belcher, expert evidence re Spot-tailed Quoll. Examination in Chief. > Day 8 Page 604 > Report Spotted-tailed Quoll Dr C. Belcher December 2009
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr Chris Belcher, expert evidence re Spot-tailed Quoll. Cross-examination. > Day 8 Page 611  
Day 8 11.03.2010 Dr Chris Belcher, expert evidence re Spot-tailed Quoll. Re-examination. > Day 8 Page 625  
Day 9 12.03.2010 Dr Stephen Debus, expert evidence re Square-tailed Kite. Examination in Chief. > Day 9 Page 633 > Report Dr Stephen J. S. Debus regarding the Square-tailed Kite 11.02.2010
Day 9 12.03.2010 Dr Stephen Debus, expert evidence re Square-tailed Kite. Cross-examination. > Day 9 Page 641  
Day 9 12.03.2010 Dr Stephen Debus, expert evidence re Square-tailed Kite. Re-examination. > Day 9 Page 675  
Day 10 15.03.2010 Transcript corrections. > Day 10 Page 694  
Day 10 15.03.2010 Lachlan Spencer, Tactical Planning Manager, VicForests. Examination in Chief. > Day 10 Page 698 > Affidavit of Lachlan Raymond Spencer 27.11.2009
Day 10 15.03.2010 Lachlan Spencer, Tactical Planning Manager, VicForests. Cross-examination. > Day 10 Page 722 > Second Affidavit of Lachlan Raymond Spencer 25 February 2010
Day 11 16.03.2010 Transcript corrections. > Day 11 Page 793  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Lachlan Spencer (continues) Cross-examination. > Day 11 Page 794  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Lachlan Spencer (continues) Re-examination. > Day 11 Page 850  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Discussion re objections to Cameron MacDonald’s affidavit. Mr Waller (VicForests) > Day 11 Page 856  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Discussion re objections to Cameron MacDonald’s affidavit. Mr Waller (VicForests) > Day 11 Page 856  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Mr Niall (EEG) > Day 11 Page 862  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Mr Waller (VicForests) > Day 11 Page 868  
Day 11 16.03.2010 Cameron MacDonald, formerly Director, Strategy and Corporate Affairs, VicForests. Examination in Chief. > Day 11 Page 876 > Affidavit Cameron McDonald 31.08.2009
Day 11 16.03.2010 Cameron MacDonald, formerly Director, Strategy and Corporate Affairs, VicForests. Cross-examination. > Day 11 Page 877 > Second Affidavit Cameron McDonald 2.09.2009
Day 11 16.03.2010 Cameron MacDonald, formerly Director, Strategy and Corporate Affairs, VicForests. Re-examination. > Day 11 Page 951 > Third Affidavit Cameron McDonald 14.09.2009
Day 12 17.03.2010 Transcript corrections. > Day 12 Page 955  
Day 12 17.03.2010 Lee Miezis, Director, Forests, Forests & Parks Division, Department of Sustainability and Environment. Examination in Chief. > Day 12 Page 957 > Witness statement of Lee A. Miezis March 2010
Day 12 17.03.2010 Lee Miezis, Director, Forests, Forests & Parks Division, Department of Sustainability and Environment. Cross-examination. > Day 12 Page 957  
Day 12 17.03.2010 Gary Squires, forests consultant re View. Examination in Chief. > Day 12 Page 1013  
Day 12 17.03.2010 Gary Squires, forests consultant re View. Cross-examination. > Day 12 Page 1017  
Day 12 17.03.2010 Lee Meizis (continues) Cross-examination. > Day 12 Page 1020  
Day 13 18.03.2010 Jonathan Kramersh, Solicitor for Vicforests, Partner HWL Ebsworth re lack of VicForests expert witnesses re ecology and biology. Examination in Chief. > Day 13 Page 1078 > Affidavit of Jonathan Kramersh 14.03.2010
Day 13 18.03.2010 Jonathan Kramersh, Solicitor for Vicforests, Partner HWL Ebsworth re lack of VicForests expert witnesses re ecology and biology. Cross-examination. > Day 13 Page 1099  
Day 13 18.03.2010 Jonathan Kramersh, Solicitor for Vicforests, Partner HWL Ebsworth re lack of VicForests expert witnesses re ecology and biology. Re-examination. > Day 13 Page 1096  
Day 13 18.03.2010 Professor Ian Ferguson, expert evidence re forestry Examination in Chief. > Day 13 Page 1097 > Extract Report by Dr I. Ferguson with handwritten comments by Dr C. Meredith 22.02.2010
Day 13 18.03.2010 Professor Ian Ferguson, expert evidence re forestry Cross-examination. > Day 13 Page 1108  
Day 13 18.03.2010 Professor Ian Ferguson, expert evidence re forestry Re-examination. > Day 13 Page 1136