The destruction of Cabbage Tree Creek

By Peter Fisher | 1 February 2020. In late March 2022, the state government’s unstoppable new burning empire set fire to the surrounds of this tiny area of incredibly unique and ancient palms in East Gippsland. It is part of an unproven, counterproductive, baseless and destructive land management regime. Natural disaster and man-made destruction is …

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Fire management out of control

The protective vegetation of ancient mahogany trees were destroyed as part of planned burn ‘management’. Some of these were hundreds of years old and posed no risk to anyone. Yet no one is accountable for this shameful vandalism.

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Deer management in Victoria

Comments on the Draft Deer Management Strategy 2nd November 2018 EEG represents 350 members and over 1000 supporters and has been active in the East Gippsland region for 35 years. Our members have also witnessed a dramatic rise in deer numbers and have experienced the damage. We welcome a state strategy to reduce their numbers …

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Malcolm Turnbull caves in to Tasmanian loggers

Last weekend, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull flew to Launceston for the Tasmanian Liberals’ yearly conference. Accompanied by Premier Will Hodgman, Turnbull’s first stop was the timber yard of logging company Neville-Smith Forest Products, once a part of the now-fallen Gunns logging empire. Twenty years after John Howard signed the first Regional Forest Agreement with Tasmania, …

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VicForests agrees to court orders

After EEG launched a 10 month Supreme Court battle, the government’s logging agency VicForests, has agreed to await further surveys and put in place protections for wildlife and plants before logging. The court orders made on 23rd December 2016 detail VicForests obligations regarding the high value forests. It’s great that VicForests has finally agreed to …

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Bigger than Brown Mountain!

Our Supreme Court case against VicForests did not settle at court-ordered mediation on 24th August. EEG and our team of excellent lawyers were planning to be back in the Melbourne Supreme Court again on October 26th to again argue the case. BUT the Court adjourned our case due to ongoing DELWP investigations and VicForests recent …

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KUARK – protecting a forest ark

Supreme Court Case EEG’s history of taking legal action has become legendary. We are now progressing another legal case to protect some of East Gippsland’s most beautiful stands of forest in an area known as the Kuark (koo-ark). This began in January 2016, with a successful injunction to stop logging granted in February 2016 (until …

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Obliteration successful at Hensleigh Creek

The old growth and rainforest of Hensleigh Creek was clearfelled by VicForests in 2015-16, then on 10th April 2016, it was finished it off with an intense burn. They call it ‘sustainable management’ … who do they think they are kidding!?! If you want to express your horror/outrage you can contact the decision makers. The …

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DELWP to investigate VicForests for logging protected rainforests

For the third time in as many months, a Gippsland-based environmental organisation has blown the whistle on VicForests for logging potentially protected rainforest in the region. In early April 2016, the Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) announced it had exposed Victoria’s commercial logging business, VicForests, triggering an investigation by the Department of Environment Land Water and …

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Forestry Tasmania fails FSC

Fail on key environmental criteria for Forestry Tasmania’s FSC bid – Proposed solutions quite inadequate Forestry Tasmania has proved completely inadequate in their FSC audit, released today, on key environmental criteria of: rare and threatened species management – especially the Swift Parrot and Masked Owl, old growth forest logging, and identification and management of high …

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