Will the Government restore once healthy forests?

Logged forests are not growing back Both government politicians and their funded logging monopoly VicForests, have for years claimed that forests grow back after being clearfelled. We wish it were true. Those that do struggle back become single aged, more uniform ‘tree farms’. They are no longer healthy biodiverse forests. The other 30-50% have become …

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The state government is increasing our bushfire risk right now

Opinion piece reprinted from The Age 16/7/22 I have worked in the forests of Victoria since July 1983. Today I’m the most highly cited forest ecologist globally and have written 48 books on the subject. One of the most difficult times in my career in that 40 years was after the 2009 Black Saturday fires, …

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EEG is again suing VicForests which is planning to destroy critical habitat for threatened Greater Gliders near Bonang.

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“You would have to describe VicForests as an outlaw organisation”
…the Victorian Government’s own data and shows a third of the areas logged don’t regenerate.,

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Will a tiny endangered possum now fell the logging industry?

Make a cuppa and settle in. This article is a brilliant (if lengthy) read. It gives a very clear and detailed summary of both the history of and more recent, logging disputes. It details the Federal Court win against VicForests, the poor economics, fibs, market responses and the underhanded lengths the industry and government go …

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Fire management out of control

The protective vegetation of ancient mahogany trees were destroyed as part of planned burn ‘management’. Some of these were hundreds of years old and posed no risk to anyone. Yet no one is accountable for this shameful vandalism.

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