East coast Australia, the new Amazon

Australia’s east coast has been compared to the Amazon as a “deforestation front”. WWF’s The Living Planet report, produced every second year for the past 20 years, says global populations of vertebrate species have declined 60% since 1970. But koala numbers have disappeared at a much faster rate – more than 20% a decade – …

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Threatened Greater Gliders killed for firewood

Our sister organisation, Gippsland Environment Group (GEG) has documented the clear failure of the Minister for the Environment Lily D’Ambrosio and her department (DELWP) to protect Greater Gliders and their critical habitat in the foothills north-west of Bairnsdale. This despite knowing of their presence for over a year.  What makes this doubly criminal is that …

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VicForests – major certification fail

VicForests has failed a forth time to gain the global forest environmental certification tick. We wonder what other motives they have to continue applying for acceptance when their practices don’t change.

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EEG submission to RFA renewal plan

 EEG has once again told the government why the RFA is really Sweet FA. As we and many others have over the last 20 years of their sham ‘consultation’ processes. Despite 20 years of slaughtering our forests, plans are afoot to renew this legal obliteration for another two decades despite there being very little forest …

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Leaving only the ASH

The Andrews Government is torn between helping a group of workers in a small country town fighting for their jobs and caving in to a group of Melbourne investors happy for taxpayers to relieve them of their responsibilities, writes Michael Spencer. The problem for the Andrews Government is that if it caves in to pressure …

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