New report exposes the forest regeneration lie

This bombshell report, After the Logging, released at the end of November 2021, by 19 Victorian conservation groups*, exposes the devastating lie of ‘it all grows back’.
Shocking photos and footage tell the truth: weed infested blackberry patches. Or thickets of wattles & wire grass with not a seedling in sight.
Our beautiful, towering shady forests teeming with wildlife – GONE.
VicForests fervently claims it regrows everything it logs. This research, carried out over 3 years, exposes the devastating lie, adding to the crime of logging that now makes it an unforgivable atrocity. It is tax-payer-funded landclearing on a massive scale.
We need all politicians eyes on this damning exposure. The report calls for an urgent end to native forest logging – you can send the report (or the link) to your local MP. They need to see for themselves what’s happening in our forests!
Find your local MP and their contact details:
Members of State Parliament:
Legislative Assembly (Lower House)
Legislative Council (Upper House)
Send the report to your local MP
and ask what they will do about this environmental catastrophe.
This report comes hot on the heels of the ABC’s expose of VicForests’ illegal logging in Melbourne’s water catchments and the supposed Regulator capitulating and covering this up. Then the revelation that VicForests ‘spy’ on conservationists working to save our forests.

Add to this, the fact that VicForests is currently defending itself against 10 separate court cases dealing with illegal logging – each case brought by small environment groups (this includes EEG’s current case to ensure rare wildlife and their habitat are protected).
“You would have to describe VicForests
as an outlaw organisation”
Prof David Lindenmayer ANU, leading forest ecologist, ABC 24 November 2021
It is now crystal clear that the government supports a Borneo-style logging regime, complete with corruption and cover-ups.
The report uses the Victorian Government’s own data and shows a third of the areas logged don’t regenerate, and it’s even worse for our critically endangered Mountain Ash forests – half of these don’t grow back.
The Andrews government already admitted its logging is unsustainable, but they are allowing the logging to go on until 2030 (and who knows after that).
Every three days a new forest area is opened up to logging – this new research shows 1/3 of these will never grow back!
With so much evidence now, the Andrews Government can no longer sweep these dirty lumps under the carpet. Our remaining forests MUST be protected.
Will you send this link to the report to your local MP so they can see the destruction for themselves? Ask what they will do about it.
The Andrews Government must act now, to end the logging and terminate the reign of the government’s rogue logging monopoly, VicForests.
The ABC covers this story here.
* We have Co-published this devastating report along with 19 other Victorian environment groups.
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