Gas rise to hurt mill

Australian Paper’s Maryvale Mill could be hit with an extra $30 million in annual operational costs if projected gas price increases eventuate over the next three years. In a desperate lobbying push pleading for state and federal governments to adopt a “common sense approach” to gas pricing policy, Australia Paper has warned its Maryvale operation …

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Chips are down for job creation

WHEN forestry workers lose their jobs it’s a crisis but when public servants lose theirs it’s an election promise. Richard Denniss asks why politicians are working harder to save some jobs than others. AS the world coal price continues to fall, politicians are asking themselves what the Australian economy will look like by the time …

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Victoria leads in logging – but is still in decline

This story appeared in Saturday’s Age and exposes the most ‘entitled’ industry our taxes have ever propped up. Victoria has become the largest producer of wood from logging native forests in the country, following a dramatic contraction in Australia’s native timber industry over the past decade. The industry’s decline, and Victoria’s rise to the top, …

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Forestry industry out on a limb

In its heyday, the town of Cann River in the far east of Victoria was home to seven sawmills. But now just one remains . Bob Humphreys, 70, has run it for 43 years. As a boy he spent school holidays working at the mill. In all that time no changes have been as dramatic …

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Uncertain future for the Eden chipmill

The export woodchip mill at Eden, SEFE, reneged on its deal to let iron ore transported from Nowa Nowa in East Gippsland be shipped from their woodchip loading facilties. This is a sign that it’s not looking good for either nasty project now. Eastern Iron’s media release says:“SEFE has now advised that its Japanese shareholders, …

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Good news! – Boral woodchips bite the dust!

Boral, the logging and woodchipping baddy of Northern NSW has just announced it will be stopping woodchipping at the end of June, selling up its woodchipping business and exit sections of its sawn timber business. Why? The reason it gave was because of “…the strength of the Australian dollar and associated high volume of imports, …

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The end of the woodchipping era is near. In mid May VicForests announced that the Eden based woodchip giant SEFE will stop buying east Gippy woodchips and logs at the end of this year. Clearly they were in shock and can’t seem to put a positive spin on this – besides to say they at …

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Loss of contract a blow for East Gippsland logging industry

The future of native forests logging in East Gippsland is under a cloud after the main woodchip customer in the region announced it would not renew its contract with Victoria’s state-owned timber company. South East Fibre Exports, which owns a large woodchip mill at Eden in south-east NSW, has told VicForests it will not accept …

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