EPA ticks off logging carnage as top job

A quick click on the Environment Protection Authority’s website, and one is presented with an echidna claiming litterers are “going to get stung”, because littering damages the environment. Click a little further and you find another report about damage to the environment. The report is an audit by the EPA entitled Timber Production on Public …

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Alarm at logging breaches

STATE agencies guilty of logging breaches that felled protected trees and threatened endangered species have escaped punishment despite the environmental watchdog finding systemic problems in at least one forest district. A special Environment Protection Authority audit found three breaches by VicForests near Cann River in East Gippsland, home to threatened species including the long-footed potoroo. …

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Howard’s secret $4 million deal with the loggers union

Howard secretly promised a $4 million gift to a forestry union group just three days before the last election. This explains why the loggers, with encouragement from the union, rejected an $800 million forest jobs package offered by Mark Latham, for the $70 million package offered by Howard. This and the jubilant response by loggers …

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Errinundra National Park logged!

In 2003 it was the Snowy River National Park. Now in 2005 it’s the Errinundra National Park that has been illegally logged. Lazy or incompetent Government foresters have this time marked a logging coupe boundary inside the National Park. Large old trees were felled and the surrounding understorey bulldozed. All up the area destroyed was …

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Our very own greenwash anti-environment group

A new US style front group was launched on World Environment Day 2005 – calling itself the Australian Environment Foundation. Clever manipulation of the ACF’s name. This is the classic confusion tactic. Remember the Forest Protection Society? It was forced to change its name to Timber Communities Australia after it was challenged as misleading. This …

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Double standard on ‘waste’ wood

Less than one week after the government says it can’t and won’t prosecute anyone over the Yalmy looting, a DSE media release came out saying they will get tough with firewood getters who don’t pay their $7 permit (royalty per tonne). The maximum penalty is one year in jail or $5,000 fine with equipment seized …

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Auditor General accused DSE of inadequate investigation

It’s the kind of destruction we’re used to hearing about in the rainforests of South-east Asia, not in our own backyard. The Auditor General’s investigation into the Yalmy Road illegal logging during the 2003 fires, was released in early May 2004. It criticised the Bracks government for allowing three laws and 17 prescriptions and guidelines …

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Yalmy Road investigation inadequate – auditor general

It’s the kind of destruction we’re used to hearing about in the rainforests of South-east Asia, not in our own backyard. The Auditor General’s investigation into the Yalmy Road illegal logging during the 2003 fires, was released in early May. It criticises the Bracks government for allowing three laws and 17 prescriptions and guidelines to …

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DSE challenged over Yalmy illegal logging report

Environment East Gippsland will challenge the government in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal over their refusal to release under FOI, names in the documents relating to the looting of the Snowy National Park during the fires of February 2003. Over the past two years we have: endured months of being mucked around by the …

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