The logging industry and its lobbyists have been using ‘creative spin’ for years to cover up the destruction of wildlife, the cost to tax-payers, environmental damage, water loss and so on. The below are just a small sample of their many deliberately erroneous claims which are designed to confuse or placate the public. “Greenies tell lies” was their all time classic as a giant log truck sticker.

Audit criticises VicForests application for FSC rating

VicForests needs to ”significantly” improve its care of the state’s forests if it wants international accreditation of its timber products, according to an unflattering audit. VicForests, a Victorian government-owned business, is seeking certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), based in Germany, to demonstrate that its harvesting of the state’s timber is sustainable, ethical, and …

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VicForests attempts to influence global wood sustainability group

VicForests, as we all know, is ruthless in its logging management and in its pursuit of access to our forests. Despite its markets shrinking and despite its customers demanding a sustainable certification tick, VicForests is pushing ahead. It is pursuing an eco-label for its wood and has been a controversial member of the international Forest …

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Good news! – Boral woodchips bite the dust!

Boral, the logging and woodchipping baddy of Northern NSW has just announced it will be stopping woodchipping at the end of June, selling up its woodchipping business and exit sections of its sawn timber business. Why? The reason it gave was because of “…the strength of the Australian dollar and associated high volume of imports, …

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VicForests tries to green itself!

VicForests is currently trying to go for the more credible FSC ‘eco-certification’ for it’s logging; not a snowball’s hope in hell many think. But VF is inviting comments and the independent auditors are wanting to consult with enviro-groups. Please don’t participate just yet! Enviro groups are forming a united front so the old trick of …

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Koala injuries and deaths certified as eco-friendly!

Thousands of Koalas have been knowingly killed and maimed in harvesting machines and shredders by a plantation company for years. This has highlighted the deaths and horrific injuries of thousands of native animals that go on under the label of certified environmentally-friendly products, in both plantations and native forests. Koalas have highlighted just the tip …

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Koala’s put through shredders!

As well as the recent story about the massive areas of blue gums being bulldozed and burnt due to the MIS failure (see article here)– this 7:30 Report shows that those plantations have now become the habitat of many koalas. But they are being killed in their hundreds – if they’re lucky. Many suffer horrific …

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Planet Ark replies with logging industry spin

Many of our supporters who recently wrote to Planet Ark about its support of logging native forests received a fairly patronizing response. Planet Ark has been sucked in to the logging lobby groups’ spin and regurgitated this back at us. It was unfortunate they never asked for a briefing from green groups or forest …

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PLANET (d)ARK SELLS its soul

Planet Ark or Dark as some say – famous for loo paper, soap powder and advocating we recycle our Xmas cards – has accepted a large parcel of cash from the logging industry, in exchange for its ‘green’ endorsement of forest destruction. No genuine green group would go near the AFS with a bottle of …

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International Report Reveals Global Failure of PEFC Forest Certification Standard

Today, Greenpeace Australia Pacific, The Wilderness Society and My Environment have released an international report detailing repeated failures of the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) forest certification standard. The report is being released globally today. The report, On the Ground 2011, is a joint project between NGOs in North America, Europe, Asia …

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