The logging industry and its lobbyists have been using ‘creative spin’ for years to cover up the destruction of wildlife, the cost to tax-payers, environmental damage, water loss and so on. The below are just a small sample of their many deliberately erroneous claims which are designed to confuse or placate the public. “Greenies tell lies” was their all time classic as a giant log truck sticker.

Will the Government restore once healthy forests?

Logged forests are not growing back Both government politicians and their funded logging monopoly VicForests, have for years claimed that forests grow back after being clearfelled. We wish it were true. Those that do struggle back become single aged, more uniform ‘tree farms’. They are no longer healthy biodiverse forests. The other 30-50% have become …

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“You would have to describe VicForests as an outlaw organisation”
…the Victorian Government’s own data and shows a third of the areas logged don’t regenerate.,

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VicForests: What a scam!

An investigative journalist working with Micheal West has exposed a neat little summary of figures in this story to show that VicForests is one of the state’s biggest welfare recipients, and doesn’t even need to meet any mutual obligations. Tasha May | Jun 9, 2021 | The trees were cut down, the profits of …

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Polishing the turd – the RFA make-over

The lack of credible science, the use of flawed data and the systemic violation of environmental laws is clearly DELWP’s and VicForests’ weaknesses in the public’s eye. Their strategy to continue appeasing the logging industry for another 20 years is already a crooked process for a devious and destructive outcome.

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East coast Australia, the new Amazon

Australia’s east coast has been compared to the Amazon as a “deforestation front”. WWF’s The Living Planet report, produced every second year for the past 20 years, says global populations of vertebrate species have declined 60% since 1970. But koala numbers have disappeared at a much faster rate – more than 20% a decade – …

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Despite finding timber giant awash in stolen wood, FSC allows certification to continue

WASHINGTON, DC – A scathing investigation report released today by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) details systematic illegal timber sourcing by one of Europe’s largest timber processors, the Austrian firm Holzindustrie Schweighofer. FSC’s 110-page report, produced by a panel of experts over nearly one year, states that Schweighofer “developed a culture” that incentivized illegal timber …

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Just who should be certified?

AUTHOR Jared Diamond, in his groundbreaking 2005 book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive, has a small seven or eight-page section on the creation and development of the Forest Stewardship Council in the early 1990s, and its progress to 2003-2004. He concludes that: “The effectiveness of the Forest Stewardship Council has received the …

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Forestry Tasmania fails FSC

Fail on key environmental criteria for Forestry Tasmania’s FSC bid – Proposed solutions quite inadequate Forestry Tasmania has proved completely inadequate in their FSC audit, released today, on key environmental criteria of: rare and threatened species management – especially the Swift Parrot and Masked Owl, old growth forest logging, and identification and management of high …

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