The global trend is seeing native forests cut down to be burnt in electricity furnaces and termed ‘renewable power’. This further damages climate, natural carbon stores and our forests and wildlife.
July 14, 2011
Forests have come out well in this Energy Future scheme (called the Carbon Tax) thanks to the public and a deal done by the Greens to exclude burning forests for power to be termed ‘renewable energy’. Several of these plans for forest furnaces now won’t be able to claim Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). This will …
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September 22, 2010
In a controversial forest policy backflip, the Victorian Brumby government released its revised Timber Industry Strategy in December 2009 that includes the archaic plan to burn native forests for power generation. The revised TIS includes ‘a proposal to allow the use of forest residues for power generation’. The plan claims only ‘forest residue’ will be …
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September 22, 2010
Changes to the federal government’s MRET (Mandatory Renewable Energy Target) legislation in 2009 mean that companies can now accrue Renewable Energy Certificates by burning native forest wood as power. The first application for a 5MW wood-fired power plant by South East Forest Exports (SEFE nee Diashowa woodchip mill), at Eden, is now before the NSW …
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September 22, 2010
You can help cement in Australia’s power companies’ commitment NOT to accept electricity that has been generated from burning native forests. They need to hear from customers early on in this proposal phase. They would be risking their credibility if they accept power obtained from burning our forests and a public boycott of their company …
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September 20, 2010
The burning of our native forests to generate electricity (to power our air conditioners!) is being supported by the Liberals and ALP and assisted by State and Federal legislation. This will be the next major threat our forests face.For more information visit
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April 15, 2009
The Victorian government has released a draft strategy for the future of the Forestry industry which includes lifting the current ban on burning native forests to burn as renewable energy and increasing timber contracts from ten to twenty years. These measures would undermine efforts to transform the logging industry into a climate-positive, value-adding, innovative, job-creating …
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December 2, 2007
The next big battle for Australia’s south east forests is to stop NSW’s Eden chipmill from burning woodchip logs to make electricity. Exchange rates are pricing their woodchips out of international woodchip markets, so plans are now afoot to create a “forest furnace”. It hopes to burn so-called “waste” for power and call it “renewable”. …
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August 17, 2007
The European Union’s target of ensuring 10% of petrol and diesel comes from renewable sources by 2020 is not an effective way to curb carbon emissions. Australia must also avoid this path as a ‘solution’ to our increasing CO2 . A team of UK-based scientists suggested that reforestation and habitat protection was a better option. …
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August 9, 2007
The Victorian Renewables Bill allows the clearfelling of native forests to burn for ‘renewable’ energy. A Greens amendment to prevent this was defeated on the 9th of August when Labor, Liberal and National MPs voted to allow native forests to be thrown into furnaces. Greens MLC, Greg Barber, said that in the run-up to the …
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May 29, 2007
Burning forests for power – back on agenda If Mr Bracks wants to increase drought and weather extremes in the state, he’s doing a great job, but they’ll need an army of spin doctors to sell this latest one to the public. The Bracks government is again planning to generate power by burning Victoria’s native …
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