The global trend is seeing native forests cut down to be burnt in electricity furnaces and termed ‘renewable power’. This further damages climate, natural carbon stores and our forests and wildlife.

Pasta fuel

In the never-ending search for new and innovative ways to make a buck from our native forests, one enterprising shipping company decided to try sending a load of Gippsland and WA woodchips to Italy for fuelling a biomass-burning electricity plant. After enquiries, we were told that it was a financial disaster and they lost out …

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Basslink and forests

The proposal to connect the electricity grids of Tasmania and Victoria (via Basslink) has come under fire in recent weeks due to fears that Victorians will be buying energy generated by the cutting down, pulverising and incineration of Tasmanian forests. These fears have met with strong denials from the proponent of Basslink (BPL). They argue …

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Playing with fire

There are plans for a new 30 megawatt power station in the Latrobe Valley, to be fuelled by wood. International banking group Babcock and Brown and Californian-based National Power Australasia Incorporated are proposing the project which would need 280,000 tonnes of wood per year. They are offering 25 year contracts to suppliers. Their spokesman is …

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Good news on biomass – Wood-fired power plan rejected

Stanwell Corporation is re-designing its proposed cogeneration plant at the Maryborough Sugar Mill, after the Queensland Government rejected its original plans to use native forest waste. It said “any project that depends on the use of native forest hardwood residues as supplementary fuel cannot be supported, even as an interim measure.” The Government suggested the …

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