Will the Government restore once healthy forests?

Logged forests are not growing back Both government politicians and their funded logging monopoly VicForests, have for years claimed that forests grow back after being clearfelled. We wish it were true. Those that do struggle back become single aged, more uniform ‘tree farms’. They are no longer healthy biodiverse forests. The other 30-50% have become …

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The state government is increasing our bushfire risk right now

Opinion piece reprinted from The Age 16/7/22 I have worked in the forests of Victoria since July 1983. Today I’m the most highly cited forest ecologist globally and have written 48 books on the subject. One of the most difficult times in my career in that 40 years was after the 2009 Black Saturday fires, …

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The destruction of Cabbage Tree Creek

By Peter Fisher | 1 February 2020. In late March 2022, the state government’s unstoppable new burning empire set fire to the surrounds of this tiny area of incredibly unique and ancient palms in East Gippsland. It is part of an unproven, counterproductive, baseless and destructive land management regime. Natural disaster and man-made destruction is …

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“You would have to describe VicForests as an outlaw organisation”
…the Victorian Government’s own data and shows a third of the areas logged don’t regenerate.,

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Our bio-diversity in freefall – Vic Govt report

This should be making news daily until the government takes real action – a third of all of Victoria’s terrestrial plants, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, invertebrates and ecological communities are threatened with extinction. The Victorian Auditor General’s Office looks at various aspects of government departments, if they are performing well, using money effectively and carrying …

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Sweet RFA

This illustrated guide explains how East Gippsland’s forests were ‘agreed’; to be handed to the export woodchip industry for 20 long years back in 1997. It was a big farce then, as its plan for renewing it is now.

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East coast Australia, the new Amazon

Australia’s east coast has been compared to the Amazon as a “deforestation front”. WWF’s The Living Planet report, produced every second year for the past 20 years, says global populations of vertebrate species have declined 60% since 1970. But koala numbers have disappeared at a much faster rate – more than 20% a decade – …

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