Federal Court’s orders – a win for forest protection and threatened possums

MEDIA RELEASE From Environmental Justice Australia. The Federal Court delivered final orders for the Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum’s historic win against state logging agency VicForests. It protects the 66 stands of forests that were subject to the case, and sends a clear message to VicForests that future logging plans must protect listed species. Although the …

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Tubbut farmer charged with cruelty and killing protected wildlife

Judy Edwards, farmer at Tubbut, was charged $10,000 in the Orbost Court on 5th December 2019 under the Wildlife Act and the prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. She is a neighbour of John Auer who is accused of poisoning over 400 Wedge-tailed Eagles. Judy Edwards was up on 36 charges but some had been …

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Fire management out of control

The protective vegetation of ancient mahogany trees were destroyed as part of planned burn ‘management’. Some of these were hundreds of years old and posed no risk to anyone. Yet no one is accountable for this shameful vandalism.

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