Rainforest logging and the ‘should’ factor

(not to be confused with the ‘whoops’ factor) If only I had the negotiating skills of VicForests when I was growing up, I would never have had to eat my vegetables. I could have argued that Mum said, “You should eat your vegetables”, rather than “You must eat your vegetables”. This is the reasoning used …

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Latest EG industry plan won’t work Bracks

First we had the Bracks government, via the DSE/VicForests, doing a trial to see if they can log old growth more slowly (the Old Growth Project), then in late February, the Minister for forests, John Thwaites, announced a new six month consultation process with the logging industry in East Gippsland to work out how many …

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CSIRO scientists gagged by greenhouse mafia

So why does the government not go in all guns blazing on climate change like it did in Iraq for regime change? The evidence is clear on the dangers of climate change – unlike the hunch about mythical weapons of mass destruction. We don’t have to look very far to find the answers. It was …

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Gillard backs O’Connor

The TV show, Australian Story, exposed popular ALP minister, Julia Gillard, as a staunch supporter of logging (6.3.06). She went in batting for Forestry Union boss and woodchip promoter, Michael O’Connor. She talked about how much the ALP’s forest policy for Tasmania lost Labor crucial votes at the last election. However internal analysis showed the …

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How much can one forest bare?

The Tambo or Gippsland forests, north of Bairnsdale, first suffered a 700% increase in woodchipping after its RFA was signed in 2000. On top of that, they were burnt in the 2003 fires and have been “salvage” logged at eight times the legally sustainable yield level since then. Salvaged to death Since they lie in …

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EPA ticks off logging carnage as top job

A quick click on the Environment Protection Authority’s website, and one is presented with an echidna claiming litterers are “going to get stung”, because littering damages the environment. Click a little further and you find another report about damage to the environment. The report is an audit by the EPA entitled Timber Production on Public …

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British MP bats for trees

Conservative British MP Norman Baker, has sent a message to the Bracks Government, hand delivering 2000 postcards from forest supporters. The postcards call on the Premier to stop logging in Victoria’s old growth forests. Mr Baker, the Liberal Democrats environment spokesman, visited Australia in late February to tour Tasmania and Victorian forests. His previous anti-logging …

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Alarm at logging breaches

STATE agencies guilty of logging breaches that felled protected trees and threatened endangered species have escaped punishment despite the environmental watchdog finding systemic problems in at least one forest district. A special Environment Protection Authority audit found three breaches by VicForests near Cann River in East Gippsland, home to threatened species including the long-footed potoroo. …

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Cheque book democracy rules – OK!

There could be even darker hidey-holes for political donations if John Howard’s gang gets its proposed electoral changes through. It will allow anonymous donations of up to $10,000. This means that each state, territory and federal branch of a political party could receive $10,000 each, totalling $90,000 all up – and all in total secrecy. …

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