
What is it with ex-ACF Presidents? Toyne, Caswell and Garrett all appear to have mutinied and joined the pirates of plunder. Some think this could be a sign of infiltration and eventual clean-up, but the plunderers are not that stupid to let serious tree-huggers into their ranks, nor are these ex-conservationists silly enough to think …

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Latham Squibs on Forests

In his environment speech on May 27th, Opposition Leader Mark Latham squibbed on protecting Tasmania’s threatened forests and wildlife. Greens Senator Bob Brown said Labor is set to endorse Prime Minister Howard’s agreement to cut down, burn and poison the grandest forests in the southern hemisphere at the fastest rate in history. Bob Brown welcomed …

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Park logging finally swept under the carpet

The brazen illegal logging of the Snowy National Park, along 60 km of its boundary during the January 2003 fires, shocked many people – even DSE personnel. An investigation was carried out into how this happened and where the logs went. The report has now been officially swept under the carpet. At the time of …

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Rainforests still logged to within an inch of their edge

The Bracks government has released new statewide logging prescriptions (though now they’re called “procedures”), combining all regional prescriptions into the one document. The procedures seem to have few changes, at least as far as rainforest is concerned. The Mixed Forest definition (rainforest and eucalypt) is now included but is complex and will be hard to …

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Scientist narrows his vision on forest ecology

Dr. David Lindenmayer has written many books and papers on forest ecology and spent years researching the Leadbeater’s Possum in the Central Highlands. He’s always been a fearless advocate for Leadbeater’s Possum against those who seek to log it out of existence. His books make his research accessible to the general public. However we are …

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Ada River Win

Several months ago certain logging interests applied to clearfell part of a Special Protection Zone (conservation area) near the Ada River, to make logging an adjoining coupe more viable. This also happened a few years ago in the Hensleigh Creek area. That time the zone was moved secretly and against the agreed protocol for changing …

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Big Trees protection measures uncertain

Will loggers define a big tree? The Bracks Government is now drawing up prescriptions for protecting giant trees. This is after Forestry Tasmania torched El Grande recently (which made world news), and the discovery in East Gippsland of a massive tree in a planned logging area (see front page item, Autumn ’04 Potoroo). There has …

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Ex-ACF head becomes woodchpper representitive

First it was Phillip Toynecoat (Toyne) and now Trisha Does-it-pay-as-well (Caswell) . She was arrested in the Tarkine in March 1995 along with Christine Milne and Bob Brown. ACF’s then Director, Tricia Caswell, was campaigning for an end to woodchipping. Now she’s CEO of the Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI), the body representing the …

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Where’s our champion of the Snowy?

Industrial gas plant threatens Snowy Estuary The EPA is currently investigating the spilling of 1000 litres of oil in three separate incidents at the controversial OMV gas and oil processing plant. This plant sits smack-bang on the edge of Corringal Creek in the lower Snowy River flood plain. Despite community meetings and growing concern about …

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Catchment Management Authorities managing political buffer zones

The Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) were set up on July 1st 1997 to oversee the management of Victoria’s river catchments. It’s been described as regionalising environment problems to let country people deal with them. It has since broadened its scope from the narrow ‘bed and banks’ focus to incorporate whole of catchment – from the …

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