Rare species are more important than originally believed, according to new research

The world’s rarest species‚Äîboth plants and animals‚Äîcontribute disproportionally to the ecosystems where they reside, according to research published this week. This new information is changing how scientists view rare species, many of which are on the brink of extinction.   An international team of researchers, including Florida International University (FIU) botanist Christopher Baraloto, is answering …

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DELWP to investigate VicForests for logging protected rainforests

For the third time in as many months, a Gippsland-based environmental organisation has blown the whistle on VicForests for logging potentially protected rainforest in the region. In early April 2016, the Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) announced it had exposed Victoria’s commercial logging business, VicForests, triggering an investigation by the Department of Environment Land Water and …

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This burning desire must stop – a costly placebo

Environment groups in East Gippsland are imploring DELWP and its Minister to immediately apply more environmental considerations to its planned burns.  The old hectare based burns have been acknowledged as financially costly, with minimal safety outcomes but significant ecological losses.  “If this is the new improved risk-based approach, then there is no difference to the …

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Stripping Tasmania of ancient forests and endangered species habitat fails to gain FSC for Forestry Tasmania

The Bob Brown Foundation will continue to call for secure protection for endangered species and native forests in the wake of Forestry Tasmania’s comprehensive failure to gain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. “Forestry Tasmania has failed to gain FSC certification due to their woefully destructive logging practices. These include an ongoing clearfell and burn regime …

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Forestry Tasmania fails FSC

Fail on key environmental criteria for Forestry Tasmania’s FSC bid – Proposed solutions quite inadequate Forestry Tasmania has proved completely inadequate in their FSC audit, released today, on key environmental criteria of: rare and threatened species management – especially the Swift Parrot and Masked Owl, old growth forest logging, and identification and management of high …

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Gaining ground for Gliders

EEG is again suing VicForests in the Supreme Court VicForests refused to stop logging an area rich in rare wildlife in the Kuark forest Block, home to Yellow-bellied Gliders, Long-footed Potoroos, rare plants, rainforest and the critically endangered new species of Galaxias fish. On Friday (12/2/16) our lawyers at Environment Justice Australia (EJA) filed a …

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Environmentalists accuse state logger of forest survey conflict of interest

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Skilful in the air, but awkward on land – the greater glider, or clumsy possum as it’s otherwise known, is having a big impact on East Gippsland’s logging wars. Just last week the state’s logger VicForests agreed to lock up 100 hectares of forest after environmentalists discovered 15 of the gliders. Environmentalists argue …

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Summer legal actions stop VicForests in its (bulldozer) tracks

On three occasions between mid-December 2015 and early February 2016, EEG has been forced to engage lawyers from Environment Justice Australia . We believe VicForests is consistently not taking its legal obligations regarding environmental protection seriously and Minister Neville’s Environment Department is yet to to take action. Keep reading for more details of our most …

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