Napthine shovels threatened wildlife into extinction pit

A suppressed state govt report is telling us that our wildlife is fast being tipped into the pit of extinction – knowingly! Entire wildlife species are still being sacrificed for the greed of corporates. In this instance the logging mafia demands access to hundreds of thousands of ha of public native forests to shred for …

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Losing Australia’s diggers is hurting our ecosystems

Despite once being described as common, mammals have been lost across the Australian landscape over the last 200 years. The impact has been particularly severe on Australia’s digging mammals, including iconic species like echidnas, bilbies and bandicoots. New research shows that the decline is not just bad for mammals, but for Australia’s ecosystems too. Through …

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Vic govt declines to comment on possum extinction

MARK COLVIN: Last night we ran an interview with the leading expert on Victoria’s faunal emblem the Leadbeater’s possum who warned of the creature’s likely extinction. Professor David Lindenmayer of the ANU draws on more than 30 years of work in the Victorian Ash forests studying the possum. He argued among other things that a …

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Koala’s put through shredders!

As well as the recent story about the massive areas of blue gums being bulldozed and burnt due to the MIS failure (see article here)– this 7:30 Report shows that those plantations have now become the habitat of many koalas. But they are being killed in their hundreds – if they’re lucky. Many suffer horrific …

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Koalas face carnage as loggers harvest timber plantations; wildlife carers call for action

Disturbing numbers of koalas are being killed and injured by loggers in timber plantations across south-east Australia. Thousands of koalas have taken refuge in the vast timber plantations that have emerged across the region, which are increasingly maturing for harvest. But koala experts and wildlife refuge staff say many koalas are being wiped out during the logging process. …

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Is the loss of Australian digging mammals contributing to a deterioration in ecosystem function?

Australia’s once common digging mammals that played an important role in ecosystem function, have been largely lost from our landscape. Around half of digging mammal species are now extinct or under conservation threat, and those that still exist have very contracted ranges. Bioturbation (digging and scratching) significantly alters soil processes, altering the chemical and structural …

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Four species still waiting for protection

The four wildlife species that EEG has used to test the governments adherence to the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act are detailed below. The FFGA states that when a species is listed as threatened, it must have a protection plan, called an Action Statement, written up “as soon as possible”. The legal challenge looks at …

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Native forest-based bioenergy projects a climate risk: report

There is significant risk in establishing native forest-based bioenergy projects to substitute for Australia’s ailing woodchip export trade, including adverse climate impacts, according to a new report by environment group Markets For Change. The report, released to coincide with an industry conference in Melbourne called ‘Residues to Revenues’, questions the push to use forest wood …

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We’re suing the government again!

We have commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court (21/5/2013) to sue the Department of Environment and Primary Industries for years of failure to protect Victoria’s threatened wildlife. We are alleging in Court that the State Government has violated the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act by not preparing protection plans called Action Statements for four threatened …

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Extinction: just how bad is it and why should we care?

“Dad, the world is missing amazing animals. I wish extinction wasn’t forever”. Despite my wife and I working as biologists, our five-year-old son came to make this statement independently. He is highlighting what I and many others consider to be society’s biggest challenge, and arguably failure: the continuing loss of species from Earth. The massive …

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