Alpine cattle grazing – it’s a park, not a paddock

The mountain cattlemen are launching yet another attempt to get cattle back into the Alpine National Park. The decision by the previous Federal Government to ban alpine grazing was a victory for common sense and good science. There is more than 60 years of science that shows cattle damage alpine wetlands and peatbeds, and threaten …

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Australia under fire for failing to protect threatened animals

Ecologist says Australia has a ‘dreadful’ track record in planning, monitoring and responding to threats to endangered species Australia is failing to protect its endangered species due a “dreadful” track record in planning, monitoring and responding to threats, a group of leading conservationists has warned. A paper published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and …

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Animals going extinct while millions in funding go squandered

Animals are going extinct and millions of dollars in Australian endangered species funding are being squandered because of poor planning and monitoring, leading environmental scientists say. If data on the welfare of an endangered species is collected, it is rarely analysed or acted on, said David Lindenmayer, one of the authors of an article in …

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Extinction pressures on the rise – as protection measures on the decline

Common species can become locally extinct within three years. This case study is of the Greater Glider and shows it’s not only rare species that are vulnerable – especially with the multiple and increasing threats they face like climate, fire and logging to name three. Serious government research and funding must be allocated to this …

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EEG successfully takes legal action – #3

EEG and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) have applied for our case to be discontinued in the Supreme Court after an out-of-court agreement was reached. We took action to sue the government over its disregard for its own laws. We asked it to write protection plans for four out of 374 Victorian …

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Threatened species plans – free from public comment

The government has suddenly got its skates on and seems to be writing protection plans for threatened wildlife. EEG launched legal action against the Department for its failure to do this in early June. Suddenly the Supreme Court is looming and EEG and a few select groups have a generous 10 days to comment on …

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As climate changes, animals move fast to escape the heat

Australia is already feeling the effects of climate change, with record-breaking temperatures not just over summer, but over the past 12 months as well. Research suggests that such events are many times more likely thanks to climate change. The IPCC fifth assessment report on climate science found evidence for climate change is unequivocal. The impacts …

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Shadow Environment Minister unable to answer question

When EEG asked Greg Hunt to clarify why the Coalition would appoint a commissioner to oversee threatened species when they also plan to hand all threatened species responsibilities to the states, Greg Hunt (Fed shadow env minister) replied: ‘Many thanks and the Commissioner would be responsible for preparing, implementing and monitoring threatened species plans’. Again …

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A government devoid of morals

Why must it take a tiny environment group to force a government to obey its own laws on threatened species? Jill Redwood wonders what happened to the Victorian Government’s morals. AS I WRITE, the bulldozers and chainsaws are brutalising another superb stand of ancient forest not far from where I am just out of Orbost, …

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