We need to tighten the law to protect wildlife homes

Three recent reports make clear that we should be saving habitat in order to save species. It is pretty simple. Destroy a species’ habitat and you destroy its home. The first report was issued last week by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), Birdlife Austrlia and Environmental Justice Australia*. Its take away message is that in …

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Current strategies not doing enough to protect endangered species, conservationists say

Governments across Australia are being urged to do more to protect endangered species, amid warnings land clearing and mining are threatening key habitats. The criticism from conservationists comes as the Federal Government prepares to release a new Threatened Species Strategy. Conservationists examined the Federal Government’s current strategy to protect 120 of the most endangered animals …

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Camera trap ID

For those keen fauna surveyors or even just budding naturalists, this link is excellent for trying to work out what critter you’ve seen, especially if caught on a movement sensing spy camera. It shows how to tell a bush rat from a swamp rat from a black rat, a dusky antechinus from an agile antechinus …

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Turning around Victoria’s failing environmental protection law

The next 12 to 18 months promise to be very busy for myself and my colleagues at EJA, with a significant number of reviews now underway. These reviews are the result of hard work over many years by us and other environment groups concerned about the outdated and inadequate legal framework for protecting and restoring …

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VicForests to delay FSC audit

‎VicForests‬ has abandoned its sham attempt to gain a green tick for their logging practices under the International Forest Stewarship Council (FSC) label. It had a snowball’s hope in hell before but now the Federal Govt has decalred the ‪‎Leadbeaters‬ Possum critically endangered, it’s more like a snowflakes hope in hell.VicForests has said…”Following the listing …

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Where birdsong began

Naturalist Tim Low says Australian birds are noisier, more aggressive and more intelligent than any other birds in the world. Tim is a biologist, environmentalist and prize-winning writer, and co-editor of Wildlife Australia magazine. His latest book reveals some startling facts about the unique nature of Australian birds – they are distinctive and powerful, and …

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Hollow tree collapse

Once the landscape was well endowed with mature large trees and the wildlife that evolved to make use of these trees were numerous. Now they are extremely rare and becoming more threatened with every burn, with every logging operation and a government fearful that a falling tree could mean litigation. We all know that rare …

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Lyrebird – forests gardeners

Lyrebirds are but one aspect of our forests’ natural army of ‘fuel reducers’. Bandicoots, Potoroos, and other small diggers, hoppers and scratchers are all extremely important in turning over the forest’s compost daily. Add to this work force the insects and their larvae, termites and fungi that are constantly devouring leaves, twigs and even logs. …

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