Bastion Point plans abandoned

Mallacoota’s proposed breakwater/boat ramp has been in dispute for several years. The East Gippsland Shire has been the proponent for this very contentious monstrosity. The Bastion Point Inquiry was suddenly adjourned by the Shire, claiming it was landed with new information by the DSE. DSE hasn’t been terribly happy about the whole show right from …

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ALP – still the bulldozer brotherhood

On top of the $1 billion of subsidies the Tasmanian logging industry has already received over the past twenty years, Gunns was promised another $100 million by the ALP a week before the election. As Crikey reported, the industry could be running a T-Model Ford factory and still make a fortune from taxpayers money. Martin …

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Freeing up Freedom Of Information?

The Brumby Government is planning to amend Freedom Of Information (FOI) laws to make it easier to get information from government agencies. The Bill will be decided on in the New Year but doesn’t have to be effective until July 2009. It has it’s good and bad sides. Good:the removal of FOI application fee of …

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Murray gums poor to dead

Premier John Brumby recently rejected draft recommendations by the Victorian Environment Assessment Council (VEAC) to flood the Murray with billions of litres of water to save the majestic River Red Gums. According to a leaked copy of the most comprehensive analysis of Murray River Red Gums undertaken, 54% of the forest is in a “deteriorating …

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HowaRudd on forests

Kevin Rudd is parroting John Howard on every important issue, including forest destruction. Howard slams the unions whenever he can and Rudd kicks unionists out of the Labor party for swearing. And when it comes to the forestry arm of the CFMEU, these unionists are left alone by both sides of politics. The pro-mill, anti-forests …

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The Great Snowy Dehydration project

With the drought hitting irrigators on the Murray side of the range, and Snowy Hydro finding it doesn’t have enough water to generate the power it wants, Politicians are reneging on their legal promise to restore some water to the gasping Snowy River. We’ve always known politicians’ promises don’t count for much, but now they …

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Government keeps bailing a sinking boat

The native-forest-logging boat is sinking. It’s old and leaky but the Government keeps burning out bilge pumps trying to keep it afloat. Yet another costly pump is about to be installed. An Industry Transition Taskforce (ITT) Mark 4, will be established to try to help logging workers deal with the ‘challenges’ they face. The Minister …

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“Significant” old growth – significant wins and losses

When Labor announced it would protect all “significant stands” of old growth as part of their 2006 election promises, they must have been using their special parliamentary dictionary. In Eastern Victoria, Mr Bracks protected only 5% of areas identified as critical to extinction-proof native species and protect domestic water catchments. The Forest Alliance had carefully …

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Shameless Salvage Bandits

Many astute observers are starting to question the fires that have enveloped Victoria’s east since 2003. This may sound like a conspiracy theory but the evidence seems to be mounting. Many of these areas were deliberately left to burn for a day or two before fire-fighters were sent to attack them or that the back …

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ALP government keeps bailing out the sinking ship

The native-forest-logging boat is sinking. It’s old and leaky but the Labor Government keeps burning out bilge pumps trying to keep it afloat. Yet another costly pump is about to be installed. An Industry Transition Taskforce (ITT) Mark 4, will be established to try to help logging workers deal with the ‘challenges’ they face. The …

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