Will a tiny endangered possum now fell the logging industry?

Make a cuppa and settle in. This article is a brilliant (if lengthy) read. It gives a very clear and detailed summary of both the history of and more recent, logging disputes. It details the Federal Court win against VicForests, the poor economics, fibs, market responses and the underhanded lengths the industry and government go …

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Polishing the turd – the RFA make-over

The lack of credible science, the use of flawed data and the systemic violation of environmental laws is clearly DELWP’s and VicForests’ weaknesses in the public’s eye. Their strategy to continue appeasing the logging industry for another 20 years is already a crooked process for a devious and destructive outcome.

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Give your vote more teeth!

The major parties would prefer voters did not know how the voting system works. It can be used to great effect rather than believing that a vote 1 for a smaller party or independent, is a ‘wasted vote’. That’s why it is never taught in schools or provided to the general public as other key …

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RFAs need to be terminated

EEG has submitted comments to the farcically late 5 yearly review of RFA (26 Jan 2018). We say they must be terminated. The Regional Forest Agreements cost us $300 million dollars to pretend the forest battle had been solved by ‘balancing all values’. They have failed on almost every environmental promise, but for 20 years …

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