Fate of native forest hangs on “DAVID VS GOLIATH” court case

Environment East Gippsland Inc (EEG) v Vic ForestsBrown Mountain Court Case, Sale, Monday, March 1 The fate of a native forest with trees dating back to Joan of Arc’s time is at stake in a Supreme Court case to be heard at the Victorian centre of Sale from Monday (March 1 2010). The landmark Brown …

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Reflex paper targeted by consumer campaign

Reflex is made from ripping down the beautiful ash forests of the Central Highlands, Melbourne’s water catchments and the home of the endangered state faunal emblem, the Leadbeaters Possum. The Wilderness Society and other enviro groups have been trying to negotiate a win-win outcome with the makers of Reflex paper for the last five years. …

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Green Building Council of Australia decision supports destruction of old-growth forests

The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) has caved into Australia’s forest practitioners by amending a Green Star Rating Scheme that will endorse timber from destructive clearfelling operations in old growth forests, said the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) today. “The GBCA has given in to extreme pressure from representatives of state government forestry agencies and …

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Brown Mountain’s rare wildlife in landmark court case

Environment East Gippsland has taken the bold move to sue the Victorian government’s logging monopoly, VicForests in a bid to save what remains of Brown Mountains old growth and rare wildlife. In September 2009, this group’s application for an interim injunction to stop the planned logging of old growth forests on Brown Mountain was granted.The …

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Court upholds public interest in Brown Mountain forest proceedings

The Supreme Court today refused VicForests’ application for up to $163,000 in security from a small environment group. VicForests was asking for this sum to be secured before a court injunction is granted to stop logging on Brown Mountain. “If EEG had been required to pay such a large sum of money, it could have …

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Landmark court case could alter forest management for rare wildlife On Tuesday 25th August 2009 Environment East Gippsland commenced proceedings against VicForests in the Supreme Court of Victoria asking the Court for a permanent injunction to stop VicForests from logging Brown Mountain. We are also asking the Court to declare that the logging of Brown …

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A hundred years ago the excuse was ignorance for destroying ancient forests. Now the only excuse is pure, cold-blooded, merciless politics, union corruption and political donations to the ALP. In March 2009, it was confirmed that an old growth tree cut down on Brown Mountain was older than Christopher Columbus and was young when Joan …

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Brown Mountains wildlife – Under New Management

“Instead of sending in biologists, DSE and VicForests sent in the bulldozers” Thanks to some dedicated work by EEG and a small team of volunteer wildlife surveyors over the 08/09 summer season, plans to quickly annihilate the rest of Brown Mountain’s old growth forests were averted. The Forest Management Plan for East Gippsland states that, …

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