Reflex paper targeted by consumer campaign

Always rely on ReflexReflex is made from ripping down the beautiful ash forests of the Central Highlands, Melbourne’s water catchments and the home of the endangered state faunal emblem, the Leadbeaters Possum. The Wilderness Society and other enviro groups have been trying to negotiate a win-win outcome with the makers of Reflex paper for the last five years. They have been given false promises and the royal run-around, and nothing has changed.

In the early days the paper company was known as APM, AMCOR, Paperlinx and then Australian Paper. It’s now 100% Japanese owned – by Nippon; the very same company that’s woodchipping East Gippsland’s forests.

So TWS have now begun a new campaign that goes for Nippon’s jugular. People are being urged to not buy Reflex paper. Companies and businesses are being asked to pledge not to use Reflex, and the major sellers of Reflex are also being targeted as having blood on their hands. An ethical paper website has been set up which gives alternatives to Reflex paper.

Please sign up now as individuals, and spread far and wide. If you are an organisation, or know of anyone who could sign on behalf of an organisation or business, please pass on to sign the pledge.

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