Stopping the Chopping: forest defence in Victoria

The forests of East Gippsland, Victoria, continue to fall victim to an over-subsidised and under-regulated forestry industry. While some threatened species of flora and fauna should enjoy legal protection, the regulations are too-often ignored in the quest to make a dollar out of an unsustainable plunder. Thankfully, there are people on the ground to defend …

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VicForests stops logging after legal action

MEDIA RELEASE Just one day after lawyers presented a ‘please explain’ letter to the CEO of VicForests, logging has been stopped and machinery will be pulled out of a high habitat value stand of forest where tree felling had commenced, north east of Orbost.  “We believe the logging that took place was unlawful but appreciate …

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VicForests stops logging 24 hours after EEG legal action!

Just one day after our lawyers presented a ‘please explain’ letter to the CEO of VicForests (see our media release), logging has been stopped and machinery will be pulled out of a high habitat value stand of forest where tree felling had commenced, north east of Orbost. We believe the logging was unlawful – VicForests …

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VicForests facing legal action again

The state government owned logging company VicForests, is in the legal crosshairs of environmentalists yet again.  Lawyers acting on behalf of Environment East Gippsland have this week formally requested an explanation as to why a rich habitat site suited for rare forest-dependant wildlife was not surveyed before logging commenced last week. “We believe this is …

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The Knitting Nannas vs tree loggers

Green group of elderly women claim truckers are trying to intimidate them at forest protest by driving too close Knitting Nannas of Toolangi protest against the destruction of native forest They claim they have been intimidated and bullied by pro-loggers A logging truck allegedly drove dangerously past them, speeding Later, an image of a logged …

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Loggers help our cause

The logger who posted this boastful image on an environment group’s Facebook page clearly illustrates his industry’s brazen contempt for the community. It was posted the same day EEG and others met with DELWP on giant tree protection (21/10/15).Is this your “World’s best practice” VicForests?! Even without the graffiti. This is why we need urgent …

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Environmental regulator to examine greater protection for large old trees in East Gippsland

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is examining ways to adjust Victoria’s forest management framework to increase safeguards for large old trees, while providing greater certainty for the timber industry around harvesting operations. DELWP Land Management Policy Executive Director Peter Beaumont said a recent review of the state’s regulatory framework for native …

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This is a winner! Literally!

Our intrepid East Gippy photographer Jude Deland, has won the Animal Behavior section of the 2015 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Competition – today! Congrats Jude! This was taken on the top of Mt Ellery earlier this year amongst the giant granite boulders, Alpine Ash and mist.

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