The logging industry and its lobbyists have been using ‘creative spin’ for years to cover up the destruction of wildlife, the cost to tax-payers, environmental damage, water loss and so on. The below are just a small sample of their many deliberately erroneous claims which are designed to confuse or placate the public. “Greenies tell lies” was their all time classic as a giant log truck sticker.

Stripping Tasmania of ancient forests and endangered species habitat fails to gain FSC for Forestry Tasmania

The Bob Brown Foundation will continue to call for secure protection for endangered species and native forests in the wake of Forestry Tasmania’s comprehensive failure to gain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. “Forestry Tasmania has failed to gain FSC certification due to their woefully destructive logging practices. These include an ongoing clearfell and burn regime …

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A long way to go for Forestry Tasmania’s FSC bid environment groups warn

The very issues that Markets For Change, the Bob Brown Foundation and the Tasmanian Conservation Trust documented and took FSC auditors to see in the field are those that have been identified as the key impediments to Forestry Tasmania achieving FSC certification, revealed today in a Government Business Enterprises Estimates Committee hearing in Hobart. Forestry …

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Audit could see WA Forest Products Commission lose certification, environmentalists say

Western Australia’s Forest Products Commission should lose its “green tick” accreditation because its activities are not sustainable, environmentalists say. The commission will undergo its annual scheduled audit next week and environmentalists are hoping this will result in it losing the certification, which shows its products come from sustainable operations. The audit is being conducted by …

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VicForests to delay FSC audit

‎VicForests‬ has abandoned its sham attempt to gain a green tick for their logging practices under the International Forest Stewarship Council (FSC) label. It had a snowball’s hope in hell before but now the Federal Govt has decalred the ‪‎Leadbeaters‬ Possum critically endangered, it’s more like a snowflakes hope in hell.VicForests has said…”Following the listing …

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Montana Mill – FSC

MONTANA mill at Nowa Nowa employs up to 8 people. They produce sawn timber, floor boards, recycle some timber and supply durable timbers for heavy construction like wharves and bridges. They also have mountains of docked firewood and rely on ‘waste’ to sell as woodchips. They have a Montrose office and mill near Melbourne as …

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Eco-timber certification label loses eco-credibility

An East Gippsland sawmill is in the process of applying for the very same timber certification label that has been condemned by environment groups across the country this week, after the logging of WA’s 600 year old Karri forests was given a ‘green tick’. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a global timber certifying body …

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Certification for WA logging agency a grave error

The Australian Conservation Foundation has called for the international Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to withdraw environmental certification awarded to Western Australia’s state logging agency and launch an investigation into how it was issued. The environmental tick of approval was granted by UK auditing firm Soil Association despite evidence from environmental stakeholders that WA’s Forest Products …

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FSC undermined by backing logging of 600-year-old trees

The standards of the world’s leading timber certifying body, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), are being questioned after one of its British auditors gave an environmental tick of approval to log forests containing 600-year-old trees in Western Australia. The WA Government’s logging agency, the Forest Products Commission (FPC), has secured FSC certification from Soil Association …

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Room for Improvement

VicForests has a snowball’s hope in hell of gaining the green tick of approval from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an international wood certification body. It had a preliminary audit carried out on its logging management and it failed dismally. This didn’t stop it from claiming in a media release that the auditors recognised the …

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