Forests are the largest land based carbon capture and storage devices the planet has, yet are being destroyed globally at an alarming rate. Forests are a major climate moderation solution. All logging of native forests should cease and forest restoration must be a high priority to begin drawing down the hundreds of hears of carbon which is lost when a forest is clearfelled and burnt.

Australia obliged to make higher cuts per capita

Australia has relatively unreliable weather patterns and so it’s in a precarious position with water supplies and food production. Given these fragilities, we have a lot to lose in the climate stakes, yet our greenhouse emissions are increasing faster than the global average, and at nearly twice the rate of the USA. Across the world, …

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Forests – the climate repair kit

Ending logging is the fastest and cheapest solution to climate change. Logging and forest destruction is now recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. In the next 24 hours, world deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York.According to a report …

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How green is your electricity?

With global warming sceptics finally beginning to take their heads out of the increasingly hot sand, attention is shifting to what individuals can do to slow the looming disaster. Buying renewable energy for your home is one option. ‘GreenPower’ is the federal government’s term for electricity generated by accredited renewable energy sources – wind, solar, …

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Fewer kids will cool the planet

The subject of limiting population growth is taboo amongst both environment groups and politicians at present – it brings with it thoughts of social control, the one child policy and Big Brother. But this topic will have to be tackled soon as part of the climate debate. The Optimum Population Trust says that the lifetime …

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Undermining renewables

We taxpayers are helping fund the polluting fossil fuel industries to the tune of about $10 billion in annual subsidies, compared with a tiny $330 million to renewable energy. This was revealed in reports released in April by Greenpeace and the Institute for Sustainable Futures. We are also paying for propaganda on climate change. Instead …

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Garnaut report acknowledges forests

Penny Wong’s cool response to the Garnaut report could have something to do with her past, which includes working in the Forestry Section of the CFMEU and as an advisor on forests to the NSW government. The Garnaut report is gutsier than we were expecting, but forests still only rate a very small mention. In …

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Bali Charley!

Bali still dawdles on forests The December 2007 two-week long meeting of the UN Climate Conference in Bali made a commitment to include emissions from forests as part of the Kyoto Protocol.But for the next four years, there can only be $ rewards in storing carbon in regrowth forest, not forest protection. Think about that! …

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Cutting down forests is good for you

We can expect the logging fraternity and their friends in government to frantically paint themselves as having a major role to play in combating climate change. Joe Helper, the Victorian Minister for Agriculture, said new carbon trading markets and the consequent value given to carbon soaks could be big business for our logging companies. In …

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