Submissions to Government

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Submission into the review of FFGA-EEG 29th March 2017

Impact of protected Grey-headed Flying Foxes on communities of SE Australia 18th November 2016

Comments on proposed TRP changes 19th August 2016

Submission to the Inquiry into fire season preparedness 29th July 2016

Submission to the Water for Victoria Plan (with attachments) 25th May 2016

Comments on protecting Victoria’s environment – biodiversity 25th May 2016

Submission to the Review of Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations 9th May 2016

Commonwealth procurement procedures – paper procurement ‐ inquiry 8th April 2016

Submission to the Victorian Renewable Energy Roadmap 30th September 2015

Planned Burns Review and Recommendations – Comments on April 2015 recommendations

Inquiry into the administration and transparency of the Register of Environmental Organisations and its effectiveness in supporting communities to take practical action to improve the environment. 16th May 2015

Submission on the Working towards a National Clean Air Agreement discussion paper 20th April 2015

Review of performance targets for bushfire fuel management on public land 17th March 2015

Comments on proposal to delist Isoodon obesulus obesulus (southern brown bandicoot (south-eastern)) 27th February 2015

Inquiry into the EPBC Amendment 30th May 2014

Comments RET review 14th May 2014

Glossy Black Cockatoo Draft Action Statement Comments 30th August 2013

Plans to increase VCAT fees 15th February 2013

Investigation into Additional Prospecting Areas in Parks 15th February 2013

Recent trends in and preparedness for extreme weather events 25th Jan 2013

The effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities’ protection in Australia 20th Dec 2012

DPI Invasive species consultation 4th Oct 2012

Proposed changes to the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 1st Oct 2012

Proposed changes to the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 1st Oct 2012 (EDO submission)

Owl management review for the East Gippsland Forest Management Area June 2012

Response to the DPI’s Review of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 – June 2012

Submission to DSE on proposed Forestry Code changes – Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act – February 2012

Submission to Alpine Grazing Referral 2011/6219 December 2011

Quolls & Wild Dog Aerial Baiting Operation 1080 November 2011

Submission to House of Representatives Standing Committee inquiry into Australia’s biodiversity in a changing climate. July 2011

Submission to RFA 14 year review (supported by GEG and GECO) 27th April 2010