Strzeleckis still on the woodchippers’ map

Before the election the Bracks government made a quiet little offering to get rid of the niggling pressure they were under regarding their long time promise to protect the Gippsland Strzelecki forests. Their offer was a compromise to protect the important central sites and its connecting links (called ‘cores and links’) but if you read the fine print, you’ll see that it allows for some links to be logged, and other areas of native forest to be logged in exchange for this protection!

The government quietly signed an agreement with a select few from the Strzelecki Forest Community group with a stipulation that signatories are not allowed to complain about the logging of native forest and that councils must facilitate licenses to log native forest. This moves from an agreement to protect the cores and links to an agreement to facilitate the logging of Native Forest! With so little left this ‘gentleman’s agreement’ just allows even more logging.

The fight for the Strzeleckis continues!

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