No guarantee for Quolls
The endangered Spot-tailed Quoll’s demise over the past 20 years has been calmly witnessed by our state government, which has done nothing despite being listed under the FFG Act.
Now that Quolls are considered functionally extinct in the Otways, and logging has been stopped in this region, DSE is now carrying out camera surveys there. For the past year, they have had 100 cameras out looking for Quolls.
Although the quolls remain elusive in this first year of monitoring in the western Otways, Saul Vermeeren from DSE’s Barwon/Otway Biodiversity Group, remains positive. DSE website
There are only three surviving populations remaining in Victoria – all are in East Gippsland where logging of habitat continues in prime forested sites like the Errinundra Plateau and Brown Mountain. Those cameras should be set out in East Gippsland and every last pocket of intact forest protected before it’s too late for these populations as well.