A single tree fire on the Bonang Rd – struck by lightning 15-16th Jan
The Joy’s Creek fire down the sth end of Goongerah – looking west, from farmland. The day after the lightning -17-1-14
The day after the first lightning strikes just to the east in the Ellery Creek catchment – 17-01-14
Backburn Fire Aberdeen Rd. Backburns were lit by DEPI. Local CFA volunteers often dealt with them through the night 03-2-14
Local wildlife carer and CFA vollie at the Aberdeen Rd backburn. 03-2-14
‘Red Sunday’ 9-2-14. Looking east late morning.
Wallaby tracks in the bulldozed earth – Ellery Creek Track 23-1-14
One of the two helicopters deployed around Goongerah for weeks. 03-2-14
The phone box in Goongerah (victim of fire traffic) and the approaching fire. 03-2-14
Fire coming into Goongerah from the Mt Jersey (escape fire) early Feb.
Chopper dumping water on fire coming into North Goongerah, early Feb
The house that was lost in Goongerah – night of the ‘Red Sunday’ fire. 9-2-14
Nth end of Goongerah still burning on “Red Sunday”. The Watt Watt Hill. 09-2-14
‘Red Sunday’ evening – fires still burning through Manna Gums along the creek 9-2-14
Chris’s property – looked like being lost. A DEPI crew watching were called to help protect it. 09-2-14
Grey Gum hollow tree – Goongerah Creek 11-2-14
The level of smoke was considered extremely hazardous to health by the EPA . Backburns were questionable in some cases – 12-2-14
Incessant thick smoke from DEPI backburns. After the main fire went through this smoke choked out the air for weeks -13-2-14
Ten days after ‘Red Sunday’ – still the forest smouldered and burnt.
Bonang Rd gully – nr Goanna Crk. Forests between Goongerah and Bonang suffered very high fire damage. 23-02-14
Goanna Survivor 03-3-14
Putting feed out near a creek to check for wildlife. Sadly, it was not eaten. Indicates no wildlife survived here.. 07-3-14
Jill doing a fire severity survey. Used with satellite maps, the info will be useful to analyse these fires. 08-3-14
After a small amount of rain – soil and ash wash builds up in a gully. 12-3-14
The western side of Brown Mountain.12-3-14
Signs of life emerging. Epicormic shoots on burnt trees. 12-3-14
Looking through the blackened trees in the mountain mist was eery. The Bonang Rd north of Goongerah was hit very hard.14-3-14
Some wildlife survived the fires, like this Red-necked Wallaby, but sadly, still died.
Local wildlife carer puts out feed pellets for surviving wildlife along Goongerah Crk. Here, the food is being taken. .