After weeks of planning, driving and bushwalking by Environment East Gippsland volunteers about 1,000 ha of the forest at Little Ada River should be protected. Now that we have a new, oh-so-slightly improved Quoll Action Statement under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, we’ve been organising hair tubing camps to find Quolls. Each quoll in …

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130 trucks a day into Eden woodchip mill

Members of Chipstop at Bega held a four day vigil outside the Eden woodchip mill from Monday to Thursday, 15th – 19th December 2003. They documented the truck loads carted into the giant chipmill and export wharf. Of the stream of 130 trucks a day that drove through the gates to the woodchip pile by …

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Latham – “keep leveling old growth”

When Mark Latham’s travels took him to Gippsland in February he was quizzed by students about his forthcoming trip to Tasmania. His reply was that he would keep logging old growth: “Well in Tasmania we wouldn’t want to see an end to logging in the old growth forests and I don’t think Bob Brown himself …

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Government pays loggers to monitor loggers

‘Timber Towns’ an industry PR group, funded by the logging industry, has set up its own group of logging advisors to help those wanting to log private land. They call them “Forest Practitioners” (nice). The State Government gave yet more of our money to this mob to train a few people to oversee logging on …

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State bushfire report knocks fire furphies on head

The release of the findings of the Victorian Bushfire Inquiry on 14 October should have put an end to the unsophisticated, self-interested and blame-apportioning comments that followed the 2002-3 fires. It is refreshing indeed to have the old furphies of fuel reduction, grazing, tracks and Aboriginal burning knocked on the head as ‘solutions’ to fire. …

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So where’s the Yalmy report Minister?

After the illegal logging of the Snowy National Park last summer, the public was promised a full investigation and outcome. But the joke now goes: How many DSE officers does it take to do an investigation? Five. One to notice logs were stolen from 300 ha of National park, one to go “damn, we shouldn’t …

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Our water our future

In a process to tackle the impending water crisis and secure Victoria’s water for the future, the Bracks Government has adopted every suggestion from their own experts except one – that logging be phased out of water catchments! A discussion paper was released for public comment. It was based on another document called the Water …

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Herald Sun deploys WMD

An investigation by the Potoroo Review has found Melbourne’s Herald Sun deploying WMD (Wanton Media Deceptions). This time their WMDs were discovered to be a couple of grubby little articles that tried to link a number of unrelated crimes to forest campaigners in the Central Highlands. It’s just another example of logging industry inspired propaganda …

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Quolls need friends

Do you want to help save the Quoll? Then read on. After years of being officially threatened while being un-officially flattened, Spot-tailed Quolls now get a new altered but still inadequate protection plan under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. The old measures allowed 50 protected sites in East Gippsland of up to 500 ha …

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Morons with matches

Once again summer has arrived, and once again assorted gurus pop out of the…errr… woodwork to warn us about the danger of bushfires, and all the things we can do to protect ourselves and reduce fire hazards: make sure the pump works, clean out the gutters, shift the firewood off the front porch, give the …

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