Hundreds of jobs at Victorian sawmill under threat over lack of timber supply

Hundreds of jobs are on the line at a sawmill at Heyfield in Victoria’s east if it does not get access to a long-term supply of timber, the ABC understands. Australian Sustainable Hardwoods (ASH), which employs about 250 staff, processes about 150,000 cubic metres of timber each year supplied by state-owned logging company VicForests. Spokesperson …

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Legal exemption for logging – extended

Premier Daniel Andrews secretly extended the 20 year RFA logging deal for East Gippsland with no review, assessment or public knowledge, one day before it was due to expire. This is an astoundingly irresponsible move considering that in the week before, VicForests admitted there are not enough forests left to keep the sawlog supply going. …

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E.U. loophole counts wood energy as “carbon neutral.” It’s not.

As American foresters ramp up logging to meet the growing demand for wood pellets by power plants on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, a new European wood energy proposal would allow the power plants to continue claiming their operations are green for at least 13 more years, despite releasing more heat-trapping pollution than …

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VicForests agrees to court orders

After EEG launched a 10 month Supreme Court battle, the government’s logging agency VicForests, has agreed to await further surveys and put in place protections for wildlife and plants before logging. The court orders made on 23rd December 2016 detail VicForests obligations regarding the high value forests. It’s great that VicForests has finally agreed to …

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Preserving our forests should be a top priority

The magnificent old growth forests of East Gippsland are a national treasure. Yet state-endorsed logging continues in this region, undermining the rich tapestry of plants and animals that support human health.  In August of this year, citizen scientists documented the presence of a large population of protected Greater Gliders in these forests, including inside an …

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Calls to end logging’s legal exemption from federal environment law

This week a coalition of 25 environment groups is urging Premier Daniel Andrews to abandon his plans to extend the legal exemption given to the native forest logging industry in East Gippsland. The East Gippsland Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) is a 20-year arrangement between state and federal governments that gives special immunity to the logging …

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Native forest logging industry – Australia’s biggest welfare cheat

Every state in Australia that logs native forests subsidises the industry by millions a year to keep it running. It’s an insane welfare mentality for an unnecessary industry that provides minimal jobs for maximum environmental destruction. Yet governments have defended and keep handing millions to keep it operating, regardless of who’s in power. A recent …

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Interpol says corruption in global forestry sector worth $29 billion every year

The international police organization Interpol released a report today that highlights the scale of corruption in the global forestry sector as well as the importance of coordinating law enforcement efforts across national boundaries in order to protect forests. According to the report, the cost of corruption in the global forestry sector is some $29 billion …

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Logging plan puts squeeze on Victoria’s high value native forests

Victoria has taken the dubious title of being the largest logger of Australian native forest by volume, accounting for around a third of all native forest logged in the country over the past year. The state government agency VicForests logged more than 1.3 million cubic metres of wood from Victoria’s native forests, almost 100,000 cubic …

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