Websites Facebook and Causes
These websites, Facebook pages and causes can be really handy as campaigning tools or simply for staying informed. Please tell your friends and sign up today. If you are a member of an email list or on Facebook or Twitter, please help to promote them.
Causes & petitions
Premier Andrews – Protect East Gippsland’s forests in new parks
Say No to Woodchip Power Sign the Petition here
Campaigning to Stop Logging in Victoria
Rubicon Forest Protection Group
The Wilderness Society – Victoria
CHIPSTOP (south east and east Gippsland)
The boycott woodchipping campaign
National / International Forest Sites
Australian Forests and Climate Alliance
Australian Rainforest Conservation Society
Rainforest Action Network (USA)
Forest Links
Huon Valley Environment Centre, Tasmania
Australian Conservation Foundation Forests website
Other Enviro
Friends of the Earth (FoE) Melbourne
Odds and ends
Sustainable Population Australia
Weird stuff
Facebook Groups