VicForests history of FSC failures

This is the Historic Review of VicForests efforts to attain FSC® controlled wood certification, 2007 – 2020. Prepared by Adam Fletcher. EEG has been advocating for the removcal of VicForests from the membership of the Forest Stewadship Council (FSC) since 2013. VicForests failed its first attempt to gain certification in 2009 with Woodmark being their …

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VicForests loots public property

VicForests’ illegal logging has surfaced again – this time taking a leaf out of Indonesian and Malaysian logging operations – going where they have no permission to destroy.

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Threatened Greater Gliders killed for firewood

Our sister organisation, Gippsland Environment Group (GEG) has documented the clear failure of the Minister for the Environment Lily D’Ambrosio and her department (DELWP) to protect Greater Gliders and their critical habitat in the foothills north-west of Bairnsdale. This despite knowing of their presence for over a year.  What makes this doubly criminal is that …

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VicForests – major certification fail

VicForests has failed a forth time to gain the global forest environmental certification tick. We wonder what other motives they have to continue applying for acceptance when their practices don’t change.

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Endangered animals threatened by logging, environment groups allege

Victoria’s state-owned logging company breached rules protecting native animals and rainforests almost 30 times over three years, environment groups allege in a new report. The report comes after a dead koala was found in a logged section of forest in the Acheron Valley near Marysville that was home to the endangered Greater Glider. As revealed …

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VicForests fudges the numbers… again

VicForests has been caught out using very dodgy arithmetic to blame the small endangered Leadbeaters possum for its predicament. These were presented to the VEAC investigation and the Parliamentary enquiry as kosher – and too complicated for the average Joe to understand. But their bamboozling tactics didn’t fool Greens MP Samantha Dunn. VicForests is exposed …

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