Dingo doing more than its share to protect native species

The dingo is an unpaid pest species manager that works every day, yet they continue to be killed in large numbers. In turn this means that dingoes play an equally important role in protecting a long list of threatened and non-threatened Australian species, preyed upon in almost incomprehensible numbers by these feral interlopers. And yet …

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A burning question

Does the benefit of conducting planned burns ever really outweigh the risks? That was one of the key questions raised by submitters to the Lancefield/Cobaw planned burn investigation. The draft report of the findings from the investigation is due to be delivered to the secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning tomorrow, …

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The Knitting Nannas vs tree loggers

Green group of elderly women claim truckers are trying to intimidate them at forest protest by driving too close Knitting Nannas of Toolangi protest against the destruction of native forest They claim they have been intimidated and bullied by pro-loggers A logging truck allegedly drove dangerously past them, speeding Later, an image of a logged …

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Lancefield residents raise alarm over bushfire inquiry boss Murray Carter

LOCALS have raised concerns over the independent panel appointed to investigate how a planned burn at Lancefield went so disastrously wrong. Hundreds of people fled and four houses were lost when a planned burn jumped containment lines on Grand Final Day. The fire burned for nearly two weeks. Environment Minister Lisa Neville asked the director …

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