A long way to go for Forestry Tasmania’s FSC bid environment groups warn

The very issues that Markets For Change, the Bob Brown Foundation and the Tasmanian Conservation Trust documented and took FSC auditors to see in the field are those that have been identified as the key impediments to Forestry Tasmania achieving FSC certification, revealed today in a Government Business Enterprises Estimates Committee hearing in Hobart. Forestry …

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It’s simple, to solve climate change we must save our forests

A few months ago I shared a photo on my Facebook page with a caption that read “We cut down 3 billion trees every year–that’s an area the size of New York City every two days. This future, I do not accept it.” Immediately, a friend replied “But don’t forget! The U.S. plants 4 million …

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Forest Industry Taskforce gets under way

The VNPA’s Matt Ruchel reports on the State Government’s plan to reach community consensus on forest management. A week before the Andrews Government celebrated its first year in office, the Premier released the Terms of Reference for the long-awaited Forest Industry Taskforce.These Terms are the starter’s gun for discussions to begin on the future of …

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Andrews Government slow out of the blocks on environment in year one, more urgent action needed

A report into the environmental performance of the Andrews Government in their first year in office finds modest but slow progress in implementing election promises and developing a leadership agenda on the environment. The report, entitled ‘Envirowatch: One Year In’ was prepared by Environment Victoria and tracks the delivery of the Andrew Government’s environmental election promises. The …

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The slow collapse of the world’s forests

It is hoped that the upcoming COP21 climate talks in Paris will produce legally binding limits to emissions of carbon dioxide, country by country. The Earth is already an average of more than one degree warmer than in pre-industrial times. Areas of western North America are 1.5 degrees warmer. The result is widespread death of …

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Lancefield bushfire: Controlled burn that destroyed homes ‘poorly planned, under-staffed’

A planned burn-off that broke containment lines and went on to destroy homes near Lancefield in central Victoria was under-staffed and poorly planned, an independent report has found. The investigation into last month’s fire found “significant shortcomings” in the way Victoria’s environment department carries out planned burn-offs and communicates with the community. Department of Environment, …

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Leadbeater’s possum national park plans dealt a blow

A plan for a new national park to protect the endangered Leadbeater’s possum has been dealt a blow with revelations VicForests locked in millions of dollars worth of new logging contracts. State Labor ducked a proposal to create a Great Forest national park stretching from Kinglake to Mt Baw Baw and north-east up to Eildon in the recent …

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