It’s time to end the failed regional forest agreements

The Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) that govern logging in nearly 7 million hectares of state forests in NSW, Tasmania, Victoria and WA have failed in all their objectives and should be terminated when they expire over the next four years. That is the damning assessment by over 30 environmental groups in a statement released today. …

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Abolish Failed Forest Deals

For nearly 20 years native forest logging in Victoria, Tasmania, NSW and WA has received special treatment under commonwealth environmental laws. Other industries need approval from the commonwealth Environment Minister before taking an action that may affect threatened species or World Heritage. Native forest logging does not. The result has been catastrophic for wildlife and …

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Ongoing unraveling of a continental fauna

Decline and extinction of Australian mammals since European settlement The island continent of Australia harbors much of the world’s most distinctive biodiversity, but this review describes an extent of recent and ongoing loss of its mammal fauna that is exceptionally high and appreciably greater than previously recognized. With the dwindling abundance, range, and diversity of …

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RFA’s – just a giant legal loophole to destroy forests

East Gippsland was the first region to have its forests signed away under the appalling logging industry ‘free-for-all’ called the Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs). Its life of 20 years is about to expire next year and MUST NOT be rolled over for another 2 decades of legally exempt pillaging. Many reports have shown it was …

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Regional Forest Agreements: Nice idea but total failure!

On Wednesday this week, the National Parks Association of NSW (NPA) launched a new report entitled Regional Forest Agreements in NSW. Have they achieved their aims? In short, the answer is no, far from it, writes Dr Ois√≠n Sweeney. REGIONAL FOREST Agreements (RFAs) are deals between the Commonwealth and State governments that allow for logging in public native forests. There …

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We all live downstream – it’s time to restore our freshwater ecosystems

In East Gippsland our freshwater ecosystems are threatened by clearfelling in most catchments, by industrial and agricultural pollution and excess nutrients, fire fighting chemicals broadcast over large areas, all of which end up in the Lakes system that is also threatened by deepening of the entrance at Lakes Entrance. This is changing a brackish-freshwater system …

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Australia quietly adds 49 species to threatened and endangered lists

Brush-tailed bettong, three-toed snake-tooth skink, swift parrot and types of orchid and albatross listed Nearly 50 new species of flora and fauna have been added without fanfare to the federal government’s list of threatened species, including nine that are critically endangered. Among the species to be added reported that 11 greater gliders were found in …

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The good guys gazump the bad this time!

The Bad news is that VicForests continues to clearfell in ecologically valuable forests which have barely had an adequate survey or none at all. This means VicForests continue, as always, to destroy rare wildlife, rainforest, giant trees and critical habitat. The Good news is that the surveyors from GECO again found a massive breach of …

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Labor’s subsidies speak louder than their strategies

Last week… Jaala Pulford threw more of our money at destroying Victoria’s biodiversity…at the same time as Lisa Neville is drafting a strategy to protect it. $6.2M for yet more pointless and indiscriminate aerial baiting of wildlife (A Robley’s report 2011– showed it was ineffective against wild dogs). $5.3M to assist the hunting lobby. …

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