Weak laws the biggest threat to threatened species?

During National Threatened Species Week, Environmental Justice Australia (EJA) is calling on the Victorian government to deliver on its election promise to review the state’s threatened species laws and has released a report setting out how to do so. EJA is questioning the progress made to date by the Victorian government to meets its commitment …

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The ‘ecosystem canaries’ which act as warning signs of collapse

The Earth’s biodiversity is under attack. We would need to travel back over 65 million years to find rates of species loss as high as we are witnessing today. Conservation often focuses on the big, enigmatic animals – tigers, polar bears, whales. There are many reasons to want to save these species from extinction. But …

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Burning off our biodiversity

The Clarence Environment Centre is also witnessing and questioning the arson being carried out in their local area. The immense damage being done to wildlife and ecosystems, under guise of ‘public safety’ is galling. So many of our rare and threatened wildlife are dependent on large old trees with hollows for nesting and sheltering.  “Knowing …

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Native Forest logging: we can do better than this

Pretty much everyone is sick of the slogans used by the major parties in the election. But jobs, growth and fairness remain pertinent to the current situation in the native forests of Victoria’s Central Highlands. There, the reality is that native forest logging provides few jobs; it is not a growth industry – its resource availability …

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DELWP Forest, Fire and Regions Group ‘spill and fill’ row looms

UP TO 300 staff responsible for managing Victoria’s public land could be forced to reapply for their jobs in a “spill and fill” process, according to the union that represents them. A proposed restructure of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Forest, Fire and Regions Group would leave the workers — most in …

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Book review – Flying Dinosaurs: How fearsome reptiles became birds

From the Wombat Forestcare Newsletter – June. With thanks to Tanya Loos “As you read this, an estimated 400 billion individual feathered dinosaurs, of 10,000 species, can be found on earth, in almost every habitable environment. You need only step outside and look up into the trees and the wide blue skies to find them.” …

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Central Highlands carbon storage worth more than logging

Victoria’s Central Highlands’ forests would potentially generate more income for the state if they were permanently preserved to store carbon rather than logged, according to a major study. A detailed analysis using a United Nations’ system of environmental and economic accounting concludes the net economic contribution from forestry in the area is relatively minor compared to the contribution to the state’s water supply, tourism …

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VicForests takes credit for volunteer scientists’ work

UPDATED: VicForests claim spin doesn’t steal credit from GECO A community group of citizen scientists has become incensed following the release of a statement by VicForests that appears to claim their work for its own. A Gippsland-based group of citizen scientists claim VicForests has attempted to take credit for its work in protecting the habitats …

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Call To End Special Treatment For The Logging Industry

Victorian conservationists who’ve saved a colony of threatened Greater Gliders from loggers say the latest victory is further evidence the Federal Government should tear up the Regional Forestry Agreements, which exempt native forest logging from national environmental law. A group led by the Goongerah Environment Centre discovered the Gliders in April, on a night-time survey of …

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