Creation of Great Forest National Park could hand inner Melbourne seats to the Greens

VOTERS in three inner-Melbourne electorates overwhelmingly want the Victorian Government to stop logging native forest in favour of the proposed 355,000-hectare Great Forest National Park. Polling conducted by Lonergan Research for the Greens shows that 96 per cent of voters in Richmond, Brunswick and Northcote believe the State Government has an obligation to protect Victoria’s …

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The plan to prepare plans – the end is nigh

Having a list of rare and endangered species is not much good if there is no binding plan to protect them. As a result of the legal proceedings initiated in the Supreme Court on 21 May 2013 by EDO on behalf of EEG, the then environment Department, DEPI, agreed to immediately prepare protection plans called …

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Bunnings might as well be selling ivory!

Bunnings sells wood from the ash forests of the Central Highlands – which are listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN list of endangered ecosystems. It’s also the habitat of the Critically Endangered Leadbeaters Possum. Yet it claims it only sells ethical, legal and sustainable timber. You can sign the petition, which has already upset …

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Bigger than Brown Mountain!

Our Supreme Court case against VicForests did not settle at court-ordered mediation on 24th August. EEG and our team of excellent lawyers were planning to be back in the Melbourne Supreme Court again on October 26th to again argue the case. BUT the Court adjourned our case due to ongoing DELWP investigations and VicForests recent …

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KUARK – protecting a forest ark

Supreme Court Case EEG’s history of taking legal action has become legendary. We are now progressing another legal case to protect some of East Gippsland’s most beautiful stands of forest in an area known as the Kuark (koo-ark). This began in January 2016, with a successful injunction to stop logging granted in February 2016 (until …

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The Moral Cost of Cats

A bird-loving scientist calls for an end to outdoor cats “once and for all”  Pete Marra is haunted by cats. He sees them everywhere: slinking down alleys, crouched under porches, glaring at him out of wild, starved eyes. People assume that Marra, head of the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center and author of the recent book Cat Wars, hates cats. …

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Activists present invoice on Threatened Species Day

National Threatened Species Day on September 7 is held each year to commemorate the day the last Tasmanian Tiger died in captivity in a Hobart zoo in 1936. Environment groups Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO), Wildlife of the Central Highlands and Fauna and Flora Research Collective decided to commemorate the day this year by presenting an …

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Victoria’s own ‘Thylacine’ pushed into extinction pit

Victoria’s version of the Tasmanian Tiger is heading down the same extinction path as its relative was 80 years ago when the last Tasmanian Tiger died in the Hobart Zoo. “Eighty years ago we can accept that ignorance was the reason for the extinction of this amazing marsupial ‘dog’. In 2016 there is no excuse”, …

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