Science behind alpine grazing questioned

The plan to reintroduce beef cattle into the Alpine National Park as a scientific trial has been shown by local environment groups to be a poorly masked political move. The Gippsland Environment Group applied for documents under the Freedom of Information Act. When these were finally obtained they showed that Parks Victoria warned the government …

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New state law in the pipeline to aid loggers

LOGGERS can seek exemptions from state environment laws protecting endangered species under proposed changes quietly released by the state government. The proposed amendments to the code for timber production – outlined in a document posted on a government website – hands power to the Secretary of the Department of Sustainability and Environment. The secretary would …

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Baillieu to protect loggers above threatened species

(Forest Flogging Guarantee Act?) Driven by our Brown Mountain win a year ago, the Baillieu government is planning to rewrite the 23 year old environmental law that was to protect threatened species – to allow better protection of the logging industry. The deliberate inaction and disregard of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act by the …

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Threatened species yield ground to loggers

VICTORIA’S old-growth forests could be opened to more logging under a state government plan to dilute environmental laws designed to protect threatened species. The Age has learnt that the Department of Sustainability and Environment is quietly examining Victoria’s 23-year-old Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act so that the existence of animals deemed threatened or endangered is …

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Brown Mountain – final court orders

Environment East Gippsland has welcomed the final orders in the Brown Mountain landmark trial handed down in the Supreme Court on the 14th September. “VicForests must pay 90% of our costs, as well as all their own costs, for this very long and expensive trial. “DSE will need to undertake a series of surveys for two species …

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St Patricks River slaughter

This map showed the unparalleled mapping of logging coupes planned to wipe out an entire landscape. VicForests plotted these coupes on the map just after the Brown Mt Court case in 2010. If we didn’t know them any better we’d say this was an act of revenge. This area is just to the west of …

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Win for forests in Supreme Court

In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court has found that the government has a responsibility to look for and protect endangered wildlife before logging in the contentious Brown Mountain forests of East Gippsland. This judgment has implications for all native forests that are set to be destroyed by logging,” said EEG spokesperson Jill Redwood. …

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Long-Footed Potoroo – tail wagging

This clip is of yet another endangered Long-footed Potoroo displaying a very prehensile and expressive tail. It was recently found (Winter 2010) in another patch of forest planned for logging. The survey crew who are now known as “Fauna and Flora Research Collective” found this using the infrared cameras. VicForests have been notified of the …

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No guarantee for Quolls

The endangered Spot-tailed Quoll’s demise over the past 20 years has been calmly witnessed by our state government, which has done nothing despite being listed under the FFG Act. Now that Quolls are considered functionally extinct in the Otways, and logging has been stopped in this region, DSE is now carrying out camera surveys there. …

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Long-footed Potoroo never seen before footage

The endangered Long-footed Potoroo has never before been filmed gathering and carrying nesting material in it’s tail. It was never known if this behavior was common. Here’s several short video clips which was taken in the Upper Yalmy catchment in East Gippsland by voluteer conservation surveyors. The area is on the Brumby Government’s logging plans …

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