This burning desire must stop – a costly placebo

Environment groups in East Gippsland are imploring DELWP and its Minister to immediately apply more environmental considerations to its planned burns.  The old hectare based burns have been acknowledged as financially costly, with minimal safety outcomes but significant ecological losses.  “If this is the new improved risk-based approach, then there is no difference to the …

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How Forest Loss Is Leading To a Rise in Human Disease

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that the felling of tropical forests creates optimal conditions for the spread of mosquito-borne scourges, including malaria and dengue. Primates and other animals are also spreading disease from cleared forests to people. by jim robbins In Borneo, an island shared by Indonesia and Malaysia, some of the world’s …

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Environmentalists accuse state logger of forest survey conflict of interest

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Skilful in the air, but awkward on land – the greater glider, or clumsy possum as it’s otherwise known, is having a big impact on East Gippsland’s logging wars. Just last week the state’s logger VicForests agreed to lock up 100 hectares of forest after environmentalists discovered 15 of the gliders. Environmentalists argue …

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Secondary forests offer big opportunity to fight global warming

New research shows that some regenerating forests might have an even higher rate of carbon uptake than previously thought, which can help identify the most important conservation priorities. Over half of the world’s tropical forests are not old-growth but naturally regenerating forests, and a large part of that is secondary forest. An international team analyzed …

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Summer legal actions stop VicForests in its (bulldozer) tracks

On three occasions between mid-December 2015 and early February 2016, EEG has been forced to engage lawyers from Environment Justice Australia . We believe VicForests is consistently not taking its legal obligations regarding environmental protection seriously and Minister Neville’s Environment Department is yet to to take action. Keep reading for more details of our most …

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Planting The Seed For Proper Forest Management

Nineteen years ago this week, the forest wars were meant to end. Nineteen years ago, the first of 10 Regional Forest Agreements was signed, aimed at weighing up the needs of forest-based industries and conservation within areas of native forest. As the then-Environment Minister Robert Hill said, we were meant to see “more effective management …

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Legal action forces VicForests to survey

Action taken by Environment East Gippsland and their lawyers, Environmental Justice Australia, has resulted in VicForests today agreeing to halt logging and survey for rare wildlife and plants in a 28 ha stand of East Gippsland’s forests rich in threatened species. “Sadly, since mid-January and while negotiations have been going on, VicForests continued to clearfell …

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VicForests forced to survey

Our latest legal action has today forced ‪VicForests‬ to survey Kuark forest for threatened species. With help from our lawyers at Environmental Justice Australia, Environment East Gippsland’s latest legal action has seen VicForests agree to halt logging and survey for rare wildlife and plants in a stand of East Gippsland’s forests rich in threatened species. …

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20 year legal exemption must go

Wednesday 3rd February marks the 19th anniversary of an agreement that has allowed the logging industry a legal exemption from Australia’s environment laws. Jill Redwood from Environment East Gippsland, where this exemption from commonwealth laws was first introduced says the Turnbull government is planning to instate another 20 years of this special treatment. “We have …

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Legally exempt extinction?

Our state and federal governments signed away our native forests exactly 19 years ago today (3rd Feb 1997). They were deemed exempt from commonwealth environmental laws. Ever since our forests have fed a massive overseas woodchip market. This immunity from the law will end next year and the Turnbull Government wants to roll over this …

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