Global Decline of Big, Old Trees Impacts Forest Ecosystems

Trees can live hundreds, even thousands of years. But the problem is that these trees aren’t making it to old age and according to a new study, big, old trees are in decline throughout the world which can have detrimental impacts to forest ecosystems. Old trees are crucial organisms for many ecosystems: they provide homes …

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The decline and fall of the forest’s grand old masters

Big old trees, as we know are as rare as hen’s teeth, but far more important for forest ecosystems globally. They are necessary for all sorts of wildlife and processes that have evolved with large old trees. They are now a small part of any forest (if they exist at all) but can account for …

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MyEnvironment appeals Supreme Court decision

MyEnvironment is challenging the Supreme Court’s recent decision that VicForests’ planned logging in the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum areas in the Central Highlands was legal. It has lodged an appeal in the Victorian Court of Appeal where three Judges will review the decision. In March, the Supreme Court found against MyEnvironment, saying that VicForests’ logging was …

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Toolangi forests – the green hole in the black donut

You’da thunk VicForests might have learnt something from the Brown Mountain case. Nup. It’s in court again, this time with another group. Environment group, MyEnvironment, is suing them to stop them logging a stand of known Leadbeaters Possum habitat at Sylvia Creek. The Sylvia Creek case will be heard on Feb 6 at Melbourne’s Supreme …

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Government recycles announcements and logged forest

For at least the third time, the Government today announced the new additions to the reserve system in East Gippsland. The ALP’s 2006 election promise was to protect ‘the last significant stands of old growth planned for logging’. But environment groups say that most of what has been protected was either in existing protection zones, …

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Brown Mountain – final court orders

Environment East Gippsland has welcomed the final orders in the Brown Mountain landmark trial handed down in the Supreme Court on the 14th September. “VicForests must pay 90% of our costs, as well as all their own costs, for this very long and expensive trial. “DSE will need to undertake a series of surveys for two species …

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St Patricks River slaughter

This map showed the unparalleled mapping of logging coupes planned to wipe out an entire landscape. VicForests plotted these coupes on the map just after the Brown Mt Court case in 2010. If we didn’t know them any better we’d say this was an act of revenge. This area is just to the west of …

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Win for forests in Supreme Court

In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court has found that the government has a responsibility to look for and protect endangered wildlife before logging in the contentious Brown Mountain forests of East Gippsland. This judgment has implications for all native forests that are set to be destroyed by logging,” said EEG spokesperson Jill Redwood. …

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Brown Mt Background & General Information

Timeline – EEG vs VicForests – Brown Mountain 12th August 2009 EEG requests Environment Minister Jennings to make an interim conservation order under the FFGA to protect Brown Mt and adjoining forests as a critical habitat due to a number of threatened species. 19th August 2009 Letter to Jennings asking for an urgent reply to …

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