East Gippsland’s predicament

Using East Gippsland as an example, a reduction in sawlogs does not mean an equal reduction in woodchips – f’rinstance, while there’s been a 20% drop in sawn timber (from market forces), the chip volumes have increased 100%! In Tambo forests next door, they’ve had a 700% increase in chips!  Next year’s plans for log …

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The great East Gippsland Walk

The opportunity to walk through such a varied landscape is unparalleled in Australia and possibly unique in the world. There is almost certainly no other place on earth with the potential to walk from the ocean to the alps through predominantly undisturbed wilderness. This 300 km long track proposal has been worked on for several …

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WA’s forest “win” was a con-job

he February WA election saw Labor promise to end 99% of old growth logging immediately and phase out export woodchipping by 2003. However, their commitment to the logging companies to supply huge volumes of logs until the end of 2003 has seen an increase in destruction of other important forests to account for protected old …

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Leviathans of the land Old growth forests

Imagine a massive tree, its huge buttressed trunk so enormous it would equal the weight of a blue whale, the base would fill the floor space of the average lounge room. Imagine this tree’s smooth grey-blue trunk towering up though a dense understorey of tree-ferns and blanket leaf, through a middle canopy of sweet-scented sassafras …

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