In 2009, EEG decided to roll out the big guns and sue the state government for breaking its own laws. This set a major precedent, allowing environment groups to sue the government over its plans to commit, or allow their state owned logging entity to commit an environmental crime. So far we have been successful with six legal challenges and with the financial support of the public we intend to continue suing those who illegally vandalise our forests.
Government can lie to the voters and media but they can’t so easily lie to the courts.

Court to hear alpine grazing ban challenge

THE Baillieu government will argue the Commonwealth acted outside its jurisdiction when it blocked a controversial cattle grazing trial in the Alpine National Park in a long-awaited court challenge. The state government is seeking to overturn a decision by federal Environment Minister Tony Burke that the trial is ”clearly unacceptable” under national environment laws due …

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Rezoning owls to extinction?

Being our ‘eagles of the night’, owls are rarely seen. Our most mysterious owls are those that live in forests, and even more cryptic are those that can only thrive in old growth forests. They are becoming increasingly endangered. Our state government is currently reviewing owl protection zones (June 2012), but they are using out …

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MyEnvironment appeals Supreme Court decision

MyEnvironment is challenging the Supreme Court’s recent decision that VicForests’ planned logging in the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum areas in the Central Highlands was legal. It has lodged an appeal in the Victorian Court of Appeal where three Judges will review the decision. In March, the Supreme Court found against MyEnvironment, saying that VicForests’ logging was …

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NSW group South East Forest Rescue (SEFR) has successfully won a case to prevent the operation of a wood pellet plant in Eden by the woodchip exporter SEFE (South East Fibre Export). SEFE is 100% Japanese owned by Nippon Paper and Itochu and export over a million tonnes of woodchips a year. The new plan …

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VicForests – serial defendants to environmental cases

VicForests is becoming a familiar defendant in the Victorian Supreme Court. In late 2010 the Court found it guilty of intending to illegally log an old growth forest near Brown Mountain that supports protected rare and endangered wildlife. Now they are again in the same court defending their actions to destroy Victoria’s faunal emblem, the …

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Toolangi forests – the green hole in the black donut

You’da thunk VicForests might have learnt something from the Brown Mountain case. Nup. It’s in court again, this time with another group. Environment group, MyEnvironment, is suing them to stop them logging a stand of known Leadbeaters Possum habitat at Sylvia Creek. The Sylvia Creek case will be heard on Feb 6 at Melbourne’s Supreme …

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Rainforest court case set for November

EEG has again been forced to sue VicForests in the Supreme Court over their logging of a protected rainforest buffer at Cobb Hill on the Errinundra Plateua. All National Rainforest Sites of Significance are protected under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. These areas must be protected by law. The case was set to be …

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Rainforest case – logging ban extended to January

In December, VicForests sent logging contractors into a very controversial stand of forests – a National Rainforest Site of Significance. Our appeals to VicForest and DSE to pull logging machines out of course were ignored, and police arrested people protesting at the site. The law states that areas designated as Sites of Significance for rainforests …

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Brown Mountain – final court orders

Environment East Gippsland has welcomed the final orders in the Brown Mountain landmark trial handed down in the Supreme Court on the 14th September. “VicForests must pay 90% of our costs, as well as all their own costs, for this very long and expensive trial. “DSE will need to undertake a series of surveys for two species …

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Win for forests in Supreme Court

In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court has found that the government has a responsibility to look for and protect endangered wildlife before logging in the contentious Brown Mountain forests of East Gippsland. This judgment has implications for all native forests that are set to be destroyed by logging,” said EEG spokesperson Jill Redwood. …

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