In 2009, EEG decided to roll out the big guns and sue the state government for breaking its own laws. This set a major precedent, allowing environment groups to sue the government over its plans to commit, or allow their state owned logging entity to commit an environmental crime. So far we have been successful with six legal challenges and with the financial support of the public we intend to continue suing those who illegally vandalise our forests.
Government can lie to the voters and media but they can’t so easily lie to the courts.

Endangered owls have legal win

The day after the national Threatened Species Summit ends, a Supreme Court case brought by Environment East Gippsland has reached an out of court settlement The case challenged logging in threatened owl habitat by the state government’s Environment Department and VicForests, which have now agreed to set aside over 2,000 ha. This 10 month case …

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Environment East Gippsland settles with Victorian DELWP over owls

LOGGING will be put on hold in parts of Victoria’s forests to protect three species of threatened owl. In an out-of-court settlement today, green group Environment East Gippsland, VicForests and the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning agreed to terms that will see increased protection of owl species that are threatened under the …

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Brown Mountain Logging

VicForests extends moratorium on logging in East Gippsland owl habitat

State-owned timber company VicForests has agreed to extend its moratorium on logging in certain areas of East Gippsland. An environment group is suing the timber company and the Victorian Government, over the logging of old-growth forest that is home to endangered owls. After further legal wrangling, VicForests has agreed to halt any logging of the …

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Brown Mt. Expert Witness Reports

> Aquatic Biological Survey Report by Robert B McCormack 7 December 2009 > Expert Witness Report for the Spotted-tailed Quoll Dasyurus maculates by Dr Chris Belcher December 2009 > Report on Sooty Owls and Powerful Owls for the Supreme Court proceeding number 8547 of 2009 – Environment East Gippsland v Vicforests by Rohan Bilney December …

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EEG. v. VicForests Affidavits

Affidavits filed by the Plaintiff > Affidavit of Vanessa Elizabeth Bleyer 24 August 2009 > Affidavit of Andrew Stephen Lincoln 24 August 2009 > Affidavit of Eliza Marie Poole 24 August 2009 > Affidavit of Jill Redwood 28 August 2009 > Second Affidavit of Vanessa Elizabeth Bleyer 31 August 2009 > Third Affidavit of Vanessa …

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Brown Mt. Judgements

Win for forests in Supreme Court In a landmark decision today, 11 August 2010, the Supreme Court has found that the government has a responsibility to look for and protect endangered wildlife before logging in the contentious Brown Mountain forests of East Gippsland. EEG v VicForests Judgment 14 September 2010 To view the judgement > …

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EEG v VicForests Transcripts

Download Transcripts (PDF) Below > Day 1 > Day 2 morning> Day 2 afternoon> Day 3 Viewing> Day 4 morning> Day 4 afternoon> Day 5> Day 6> Day 7> Day 8> Day 9> Day 10> Day 11> Day 12> Day 12 Amendments> Day 13> Final Orders  

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EEG v VicForests Final Submissions

Summing Up! Final Orders To view Judge Osborn’s Final Orders 14 th September 2010 > click here Final submissions filed by the Plaintiff – E.E.G. To view submission 1 > click here To view submission 2 > click here Final submissions filed by the Defendant – VicForests. To view the submission > click here  

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EEG v VicForests Court Documents

Day Contains Transcript Page Report – Affidavit Day 1 – 01.03.2010 Opening address for the Plaintiff (Environment East Gippsland) by Debbie Mortimer SC > Day 1 Page 2   Day 2 AM – 02.03.2010 EEG opening address continues > Day 2 morning Page 67     Opening address for the Defendant (VicForests) by Ian Waller …

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