Forests are a key part of the climate equation. They capture and store carbon, create rain clouds, shade the land, filter our water, make fresh air and provide critical homes for our wildlife.

Forests have twice the climate moderating value of solar energy

New research has found that meeting targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may rely less on renewable energy than on the forests. As reported in the last Potoroo, forests seem to be the key to meeting Kyoto and post-Kyoto goals for reducing CO2 emissions. ” Forests capture 11% of emissions. Renewables save only 5%.” The …

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Forests and Climate Change – A Convenient Truth?

Remarkably, Australia’s native forests store more carbon pollution than any other forests on Earth. If we protect them, we can immediately reduce emissions and store the pollution from nine coal-fired power stations every year.There now is a once in a generation opportunity to protect our native forests–a crucial lifeline for our climate.Here is a short …

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Carbon calculations

The scientific principle behind biomass is the carbon cycle. When they grow, plants absorb carbon dioxide – one carbon and two oxygen atoms (CO2 ). The carbon (C) builds tissues and feeds the plant while the oxygen (O2 ) is released. When plant material is logged and burned, or rots, the carbon recombines with oxygen. …

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Forests – Our Climate Calmers

Way back, long before 1750, the planet supported eight billion hectares of forest. These were vast, healthy carbon soaks and storehouses, rain makers, weather moderators and, of course, mega-rich biological systems. Since that time, humans have destroyed 6.3 billion hectares, leaving only 1.3 billion hectares of forest. Naturally (or unnaturally), this has vastly reduced the …

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Offsets equal guilt-free pollution

As a cheap and easy option to reduce their contribution to global warming, many companies and governments have been looking at ‘carbon offsets’. But offsets in the form of planting new trees only helps cancel out emissions from forest destruction and fossil fuel burning that’s already occurred – carbon that’s already in the air. They …

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A convenient myth

The logging industry is currently in overdrive trying to make logging look like a positive effort in the fight against global warming. Forests are one of our greatest carbon stores. They have taken hundreds of years to amass the 700 -1,200 plus tonnes of carbon per hectare. Cutting them down only secures about 3 to …

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Don’t be CO2nned

Offsets equals guilt free pollution As a cheap and easy option to reduce their contribution to global warming, many companies and governments have been looking at ‘carbon offsets’. But offsets in the form of planting new trees only helps cancel out emissions from forest destruction and fossil fuel burning that’s already occurred – carbon that’s …

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Forests – the climate repair kit

Ending logging is the fastest and cheapest solution to climate change. Logging and forest destruction is now recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. In the next 24 hours, world deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York.According to a report …

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Forests and Greenhouse

Ending logging is the fastest and cheapest solution to climate change. Logging and forest destruction is now recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. In the next 24 hours, world deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York. According to a …

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Bali Charley!

Bali still dawdles on forests The December 2007 two-week long meeting of the UN Climate Conference in Bali made a commitment to include emissions from forests as part of the Kyoto Protocol.But for the next four years, there can only be $ rewards in storing carbon in regrowth forest, not forest protection. Think about that! …

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