Federal governments of all persuasions have historically protected and funded Australia’s forest destruction.

Our native forest regulations need to move with the times

The rules governing our native forests, RFAs, were drawn up nearly 20 years ago. They need to be thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect the changes in the forestry industry that have occurred in the last two decades. BIT BY BIT, Tony Abbott is dismantling everything scientists are telling us we need to do to …

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Current strategies not doing enough to protect endangered species, conservationists say

Governments across Australia are being urged to do more to protect endangered species, amid warnings land clearing and mining are threatening key habitats. The criticism from conservationists comes as the Federal Government prepares to release a new Threatened Species Strategy. Conservationists examined the Federal Government’s current strategy to protect 120 of the most endangered animals …

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Following Dutch Footsteps, Activists to Sue Aussie Government on Climate

Landmark ruling raised ‘energy and appetite of the community to stand up and use the courts when government fouls them,’ says environmental lawyer Signaling the global implications of last week’s historic Dutch court ruling‚Äîthe first in the world to use human rights as a legal basis to protect citizens against greenhouse gas emissions and global …

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Forests at a tipping point – into the furnaces

A new war has been declared on our native forests. The Senate, with the help of Labor has passed legislation that not only allows the liquidation of native forest trees in electricity furnaces, but defines it as ‘renewable energy’ and thereby hands the logging and power industries credits (financial support) to assist this new excuse …

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40 scientists alert cross-benchers to RET clause

The acceptance of a perverse definition of ‘wood waste’ and ‘renewable’ is being questioned by 40 Australian scientists in a joint letter to the Federal cross benchers today. They are alarmed that once the door opens on burning Australia’s native forests in power furnaces, it could see our forest heritage drawn in to supplying an …

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Burning ambition: Why the forestry industry needs the RET

On Wednesday, shadow Environment Minister Mark Butler moved an amendment to the RET legislation on behalf of the Labor opposition, that would disqualify native forest biomass as an eligible fuel source for renewable energy credits in the legislation itself. The fate of the amendment will be decided on the cross bench in the Senate on …

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UN gets it wrong on forests

The respected international think tank Chatham House has released part of a research paper which shows the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is wrong. This assumes burning trees and forests as biofuel for electricity is carbon neutral and therefore climate friendly. It’s a fairly obvious error to almost any thinking person. There …

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VicForests must go

Tax-payer sponsored environmental demolition must end and VicForests must be relegated to history, is the message Environment East Gippsland is sending to the Victorian Government after the exposé that $5.5 million “Community Service Obligation” is funding public forest destruction annually in the region. “Environment groups are feeling vindicated across the state after decades of highlighting …

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Timber company to benefit as RET deal creates market for unsaleable timber, says VicForests analysis

The revised Renewable Energy Target (RET) currently before Parliament would provide a market for otherwise unsaleable timber, according to a document from Victoria’s state-owned forestry business, VicForests, obtained by the ABC. Environment Minister Greg Hunt introduced the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill yesterday. The legislation locks in the bipartisan deal for a new, lower, 2020 …

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