The logging industry has been on massive welfare payments for years, despite it claiming it is profitable. Our taxes pay to have our forests destroyed.
The industry is a dead loss in many ways.

Timber looks to bailouts, concessions to ward off undertakers

What’s the timber industry quietly seeking from government behind closed doors? What happens in these discussions will shape the debate for at least a decade, write Andrew Macintosh and Richard Denniss. The native forest and forest product industries contribute a miniscule amount to the Australian economy (in the order of 0.15% to 0.20% of GDP). …

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The Climate Change Authority’s forestry fumble

The Climate Change Authority’s final report on the renewable energy target, which was released yesterday, contains a number of controversial conclusions and recommendations. A standout amongst these is the recommendation that the federal government explore whether making native forest wood waste eligible to participate in the large-scale RET (LRET) would increase the rate of harvesting …

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$8.2 m to reduce mill’s footprint

DONGWHA Timbers sawmill in Bombala will lead the way in energy efficiency and reducing pollution thanks to an $8.2million Gillard Government grant announced last Friday. Part of the Gillard Government’s Clean Technology Investment Program, the grant will allow Dongwha to consolidate its operations from two sites into one facility, and invest in new equipment and …

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Eden woodchip mill – no more life support!

Now that the Eden woodchip mill is closer to going under, the NSW government is looking to the Gillard government to rescue it. Yep – the O’Farrell conservative government that sacked 300 Department of Primary Industry staff last week and hundreds of Education Dept staff (with more TAFE positions to go) is saying it will …

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Eden Woodchip mill fate to be decided by end of the year

“Nippon Paper Industries expected to decide the ongoing viability of the mill by the end of the year.”This could be the end of logging in the entire SE of Australia! Without woodchips, it wouldn’t be viable. It’s the woodchipping sales that VicForests relies on. By golly they must be in a cold sweat. Eden woodchip …

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Woodchipping – it’s never been more precarious

The financial situation of the SE NSW and E Gippsland woodchipping industry has recently seen some interesting changes: 1. Jobs cut by 30% at the Eden chipmill, coming on top of an earlier round of redundancies this year. A drop from 72 down to 46 jobs.2. Reduced number of woodchip ships taking loads out from …

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The untold story of the role of government in the rise and fall of Gunns

The spotlight is shining on the collapsed Gunns, its former chairman John Gay, and the Tasmanian Government’s machinations to secure a pulpmill at all costs. But the pivotal role of successive Commonwealth Governments remains in darkness. Unravelling the part the Commonwealth Government has played in the saga is essential for resolving Tasmania’s forest conflict and …

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A genuine Australian recycled paper

The Nippon owned pulp and paper plant at Maryvale, Australian Paper, recently announced (10th October) a new recycled paper plant to be built on their LaTrobe Valley site. However it’s been silent about getting out of native forests as a result. Production is expected to start in early 2014, so it won’t be in time …

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VicForests – welfare bludgers extraordinaire

The VicForests Annual Report was tabled in Parliament this week (13/9/12). They made another loss. And this year, VicForests is dressing up the loss with a new excuse. The argument that the bushfires are to blame for their past losses has worn thin so they are now blaming us. Fancy – little enviro groups having …

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Federal budget cake leaves crumbs for the environment

The economy’s going to grow at 3 per cent this year and the Budget surplus is to grow over time. It’s all grow, grow, grow, even in these straitened times. There’s a pie chart in the Federal Budget overview that shows “where taxpayer money is spent”. A big slice of this luscious pie goes to …

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