Forests are the largest land based carbon capture and storage devices the planet has, yet are being destroyed globally at an alarming rate. Forests are a major climate moderation solution. All logging of native forests should cease and forest restoration must be a high priority to begin drawing down the hundreds of hears of carbon which is lost when a forest is clearfelled and burnt.

Is using native forests for energy really carbon-neutral?

Australia’s forest conflict gets easier to solve as every day passes. In reality, the conflict will solve itself if the government can just resist reviving the environmentally and economically inferior native forest part of Australia’s “forest” industry. The government must not open native forest wood to the energy market. Some are proposing that Australia’s forest …

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Carbon Reduction package – a good start

The carbon pricing scheme announced on the 10th July 2011 ends plans to burn native forest wood ‘waste’ for electricity, as it is not regarded as ‘renewable’. Without the carbon credits for the electricity produced, these planned projects will be economically unviable. Thanks to all those people who wrote and emailed to the government. It …

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New Biodiversity Fund Announced

As part of the new Clean Energy Future Package, the Government has announced that it will provide funding of $946 million over the first six years for landholders to undertake projects that establish, restore, protect or manage biodiverse carbon stores. The Fund will support restoration and management of biodiverse carbon stores including:• reforestation and revegetation …

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A nation of fickle fools

The Australian public keeps changing its mind on climate change. No wonder our leaders don’t know where to step. Most Australians say they don’t want a carbon tax. So what do they want? After all, over the past year, Australians have transformed themselves from a citizenry worried about global warming, and asking for something to …

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Firefighters push for tough action on climate

Members of the United Firefighters Union of Australia travelled to Parliament House in Canberra on the 18th November 2009 to demand that politicians stop treating action on Climate Change like “a political football”. Speaking on behalf of the union, Peter Marshall called on the opposition to accept the Emissions Trading Scheme. He also suggested to …

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Firefighters demand climate change action

Firefighters have demanded federal politicians stop treating climate change like “a political football” and pass the emissions trading scheme. Members of the United Firefighters Union of Australia have travelled to Parliament House today to urge both sides of politics to take action as senators continue to debate the scheme. The union made a similar call …

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A hard Act to follow

The government is setting up the bizarre situation where plantations are targeted for carbon storage and native forests for logging. Changes to the Tax Act, together with emissions trading, will threaten native forests even more than they currently are. In November, the Federal Labor government and the Liberals banded together to defend these changes. What …

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Old Growth sucks – CO2

Contrary to the longstanding view that ageing forests are carbon neutral or even pollute more than they absorb, new evidence shows that forests that reach peak maturity do not stop soaking up and storing carbon. A team of scientists have recently searched literature and databases for forest carbon-flux estimates. In the 11/8/08 edition of Nature, …

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New carbon markets could speed forest destruction

Besides the new changes to the Tax Act, proposed carbon markets would further encourage forest destruction. The logging interests are trying to stitch it all up. This sounds arse-about but read on. “Native forests, the less efficient resource for forestry industry competitiveness, are tagged for wood production with lost opportunities for the job they do …

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Green Carbon

Wild untouched forests store three times more carbon dioxide than previously estimated and three times more than plantation forests. A world-first study of “green carbon” by scientists from the Australian National University (ANU) looked at natural forests’ role in climate change. They say our forests have been underestimated as a solution against global warming.Despite this …

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