The forests of Brown Mountain support a healthy area of unlogged old growth forests that supports many endangered wildlife species. EEG’s Supreme Court case set some valuable legal precedents and required VicForests to carry out pre-logging surveys in many forests.

BROWN MT – The fight is on!

The immense trees that have sheltered and raised hundreds of generations of owls and gliding possums are now being hacked down by VicForests. The under-storey of tree ferns and waratahs, twining silkpod and musk daisy bush is being crushed into the mud by 40 tonne dozers. Victoria’s Brumby government is allowing their logging department to …

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Brown Mt – 20 years on

Here’s a quick summary of the Brown Mountain saga so far:     This controversial area of National Estate forest has been in the limelight since 1989. Small but viable stands of ancient forest remain after years of butchery.    A 20 ha stand of old growth was clearfelled on Brown Mountain over summer 08-09. VicForests lied …

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BROWN MOUNTAIN – a short history

Brown Mountain was assessed and listed as an old growth National Estate area by the Commonwealth Heritage Commission in the 1980s. That means it has the same values as a National Park. The management of these areas were handed to the state government which promptly set about clearfelling them in 1989. The protests on Brown …

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Flawed maps and broken promises

In 2006, the then premier, Steve Bracks, made a promise to protect all significant stands of old growth currently available for logging. This, with several other areas called icon forests amounted to about 41,000 ha. However, he also promised there would be no impact on the logging industry – an impossible undertaking. A few days …

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